is playdough a fidget toy picture

Is Playdough a Fidget Toy?

Playdough is considered one of the most versatile play toys on the market today. Reason being, it’s a fun fidget toy that also promotes an active imagination and fine motor skill development. When played with correctly, it’s not messy and is ideal for kids and even adults! So, is playdough a fidget toy?

Let’s talk about this and more on why you should purchase some of this squishy putty for your kiddos!

What is a Fidget Toy?

Fidget toys are tactile toys that allow kids (and adults) to play with it in a variety of ways. The purpose of fidget toys is to help kids who have excess energy to get that energy out in a safe and productive way. They’re also great for relieving tension or stress that a child may be experiencing. Fidget toys comes in a variety of forms, but they should have at least one of the following traits:

  • Multiple parts
  • Moving parts (spinning, pulling, popping, etc.)
  • An ability to be changed and shaped
  • Multiple textures
  • Palm size or smaller

Is Playdough a Fidget Toy?

is playdough a fidget toy picturePlaydough has been around since 1955 and has been the favorite fidget toy of families for decades. Although the formula has changed over the years, the purpose has only expanded!

Today, Playdough is considered a fidget toy amongst experts! This is because playdough is one of the most tactile toys on the market. It has the ability to be squished, pulled, shaped, molded, and more. Additionally, the company itself offers a wide variety of play set options such as kitchen sets, ice-cream molds, shape molds, etc. The ability to use their hands to mold, squish, push, pull, shape, spin, clasp, and more provides kids with a variety of fidgeting release options!

Who Would Benefit from Using Playdough as a Fidget Toy?

Every child can benefit from playing with Playdough products. The ability to use their hands to create something aids in fidget reduction and even stress and anxiety relief. Playdough is ideal for any child, but in particular, kids with any of the following traits:

  • Excess energy
  • Kids who are known to fidget with their hands (tapping, hitting, snapping, etc.)
  • Children with anxiety
  • Kids who like to play with their hands
  • Children who are unsure of how to express their emotions

Playdough is not just for kids who need to fidget with something, but it’s a great option for them! Playdough offers a wide variety of benefits not only for fidgeters, but for all kids and parents looking to enhance various developmental skillsets.

What Developmental Benefits Does Playdough Offer?

Playdough is not only a phenomenal fidget toy, but it’s also ideal for child development. In particular, this squishy dough is ideal for enhancing fine motor skills in kids. In simple terms, fine motor skills are the skills needed to use your finger and sometimes hands in a detailed manner. The most common fine motor skills you’ve probably heard of include:

  • Writing
  • Using scissor
  • Coloring inside the lines
  • Pincer grasps (using pincher finger and thumb)

There are various others, but these are the most common. If you notice your child is struggling in this area, don’t worry. There are various ways to enhance these skills and using Playdough is one of them! On top of being used as a fidget toy, your kids will be reaping the rewards of fine motor development as they manipulate the dough!

What Age is Playdough Best For?

Playdough is best for kids ages two and up! Introducing it sooner could be dangerous as playdough is not edible and kids younger than two are known for putting things into their mouth.

Even at two years old though, you should be monitoring your child to ensure they aren’t trying to eat it. Two years old is also when fine motor skills start to develop as well as energy levels start rising. Since playdough is an excellent fidget toy, implementing it at a young age can help control fidgeting from the start.

You can introduce playdough at really any age though. If your child is in kindergarten and just showing signs of fidgeting, you can always bring Playdough into the home and see if it helps!

What can Kids Make Out of Playdough for Fidget Toys?

is playdough a fidget toy picture 2What’s especially unique about Playdough is that it’s not only good as a stand-alone fidget toy. Of course, your kiddo can play with Playdough as it is and get the benefits of reduced fidgeting. However, Playdough is also a versatile substance that can be manipulated into various kinds of more-permanent fidget toys!

For example, Playdough can be turned into a hard substance when you bake it low and slow in an oven (200 degrees). You can make fidget spinners using Playdough that are rock solid and can be used as a permanent fidget toy for your kiddo!

Additionally, making stress balls using Playdough is a great fidget toy option! All you need is Playdough and a balloon. You simply fill the balloon with some playdough until it’s the desired size, tie it off, and you’re done! It’s a squishy and safe option for fidgeting kiddos! The best part? If it breaks, it doesn’t make a mess because Playdough is a solid substance.

 Does Playdough Help Relieve Stress?

Playdough can help relieve stress and enhance focus in kids. It can also help you as the parent learn when your child is feeling stressed or anxious. Playdough helps relieve stress by providing a healthy way to release some of their energy. Additionally, it gives them something else to focus on. It’s especially helpful if you can play with your kiddo, such as playing restaurant and give them specific foods to make at a time. It forces focus and can help relieve stress.

Final Thoughts on Playdough Being a Fidget Toy

Playdough is in fact one of the most beneficial fidget toys you’ll come across! It’s ideal for kids of at least 2 years of age. Playdough provides kids with the ability to reduce stress, get out their excess energy, and even enhance fine motor skills and imagination! It’s an all-in-one fidget toy that can be used alone or turned into other objects like stress balls and fidget spinners!

If you have a fidgeter, give Playdough a try!


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types of blocks for preschoolers image

Types of Blocks for Preschoolers

Many parents or teachers (likely you, reading this article!) have children that are either in preschool or on their way to preschool. They all think about what games, or activities are best for their child’s learning. Blocks are often a popular choice, rightfully so, for a wide variety of reasons! What are the best types of blocks for preschoolers though?

types of blocks for preschoolers imageWhy are Building Blocks a Good Toy for Preschoolers?

Building blocks are one of the best toys to have in your home and in your play area. These simple yet multi-functional toys are great for expanding language, communication and sharing with others. Additionally, their ideal for fine motor development, counting and problem solving! Let’s talk about why different types of building blocks are good for preschoolers!

Fine Motor Development

When kids are playing with blocks whether they are big or small, hard or squishy, they are engaging their fine motor skills. This occurs when they grab the blocks, stack them on top of each other, next to one another, etc.

Some popular ways to enhance fine motor development would be to create race tracks or stack a tall tower!


When stacking blocks up to make a tower or even to build a street to push a toy car on, this can lead to some counting lessons! For example, asking your preschooler how many rectangle blocks do they need? How many red squares? Playing with blocks can even lead to peer-play development! For example, responding to friends asking for a specific number of blocks, then that preschooler responding and learning how many three actually means.

Problem Solving

Problem solving is a natural key component to any play, but with building blocks this occurs when they are stuck on what to do next. They may need to consider what blocks they need that will fit the creation they are making or even how to ask for help form their teachers or friends.

What are the Different Types of Blocks for Preschoolers?

The different types of blocks that are available to play with seems almost never ending; Duplos and Legos, wooden blocks, magnetic blocks, foam blocks, are just a few, and the list goes on! What are the different type sof blocks for preschoolers and what makes them all so unique?

Legos and Duplos

Legos are those blocks that have the circles on top and the open bottoms that allow for them to be stuck together, they can come in the tiniest pieces to attach to a large flat “plate” and stack until you have a village of Legos!

Duplos are the larger blocks that have the same idea of stacking on top of each other, but are more aimed for tower building and shape making with all the different shapes they come in.

Wooden Blocks

The most standard building block that comes from way back when, in all different shapes and sizes, are wooden blocks. They are great for building fortresses and allow for great imaginative play.

Magnet Blocks

Magnets in these plastic blocks keep them from falling apart easily and make the coolest towers. They are even some magnet blocks that are built with wheels to make cars to drive the blocks around!

Foam Blocks

These are squishy and soft blocks that can also stack up like wooden or hard blocks. They come in all different shapes and sizes. They are a little squishy and soft, so that helps with fine motor with preschoolers, making it easier to grab the building blocks.  

What Should be in a Preschool Block Play Area?

types of blocks for preschoolers image 2The most important pieces are the blocks, all different shapes, sizes, colors and textures. For example, Legos and Duplos, foam blocks, magnet blocks, etc. You will also need some cubbies or boxes to place the blocks in when they are not in use. Make sure each kind of block has its own storage area so nothing gets mixed up! It can also be beneficial to have a carpet area for designating where preschoolers can build. This keeps things organized and the blocks in one specific area.

Consider having a few bins of “extras” for kids to incorporate into their block play. For example, some farm animals, dinosaurs, toy cars, even toy people area great!

What are the Stages of Block Play?

There are roughly seven stages of Block Play that build on the previous stage and are important for development among preschoolers.

Stage 1: Carrying and Exploring

You’ll see in this stage an infant or toddler is holding their blocks and transferring them from one area or even container to the next, over and over again.

Stage 2: Stacking Rows or Towers

The beginning of stacking towers up high or across the floor in a line is around 2 to 3 years old. This is when they start learning how to use those fine motor skills.

Stage 3: Bridges and Passageways

Between the ages of 3 and 4, preschoolers start stacking their blocks and learning how to balance them between 2 other blocks to make a bridge or tower.

Stage 4: Enclosure

In this stage their imagination starts to take off, their towers become houses or buildings by enclosing them and taking up more space in their learning area.

Stage 5: Symmetry and Patterns

Children will realize all the different “accessories” they can add to their building and begin to incorporate them into their play.

Stage 6: Functional and Naming of Structures

Between the ages of 4 and 5, preschoolers will now begin to label their buildings, towers, bridges, etc. and even pretend play begins as well, racing cars down the track, helicopter flying through the city, etc.

Stage 7: Complex and Symbolic

Age 5 and up, preschoolers starting to recreate buildings or places they have seen around or making their building more complex and intricate.

How Do You Encourage Playing with Blocks?

Encourage kiddos to play with blocks can be challenging is its just not a toy they love. There are however ways to help encourage this play. Having the blocks in front of you and having your preschooler knock them over is always a great method. Kids love to watch things fall down and then help you stack them back up.

Final Thoughts

We hope this post on types of blocks for preschoolers was a help!  Building blocks for preschoolers are essential toys that help establish so many crucial learning developments. Kids play while enhancing fine motor, matching, problem solving and creativity skills! They encourage sharing with friends on top of it and of course language and communication starts to grow as well!

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wooden ride on toys for 1 year olds image

Wooden Ride on Toys for 1 Year Olds

Wooden ride on toys for 1 year olds are one of the best ways to entertain your toddler! These toys are also great for enhancing a variety of developmental skills. Toddlers love them because their simple, safe, and super fun! Your kiddo will have a blast riding around the house while you cook dinner, so let’s explain why!

What are Wooden Ride-On Toys?

wooden ride on toys for 1 year olds image 2Wooden ride on toys for 1 year olds are toys that your child can sit on and play with. They are wooden (hence the name) and are typically moveable in some way. For example, they may be on wheels, or they may be able to rock back and forth. Sometimes they can even bounce up and down in place if they have the spring mechanics to do so!

These kinds of toys originated in the 1800’s when parents would hand make these toys for their kids. To this day they are one of the most popular play toys for 1 year olds for a wide variety of reasons discussed further into the article.

 Are Wooden Ride-On Toys Motorized?

These kinds of toys are not motorized. They do not have any electronic mechanisms in place either. This may make them sound boring, but 1 year olds love them! They like their simplicity, and this simplicity helps enhance their imagination skills! So, although they do not have a motor, they’re just as much fun!

Their lack of a motor also makes them easier to maintain, store, and use anywhere! They can be indoors or outdoors (so long as it isn’t rainy or wet out!).

 Can 1 Year Olds Use Wooden Ride-On Toys?

There are plenty of wooden ride on toys for 1-year olds on the market today! In fact, wooden ride on toys are meant for toddler-aged kids. This is due to their simplicity and their design. Wooden ride on toys are smooth, small, and easy to get on and off of. Many of them have handles for additional help with maneuvering the toy as well. They’re perfect for 1-year olds learning to balance or enhance their imagination!

 What are Wooden Ride-On Toys Good For?

wooden ride on toys for 1 year olds imageTheir purpose is to enhance several development facets. For example, their fine motor skills are enhanced by having to hold onto handles. Their gross motor skills can also come into play if there’s a steering mechanism involved (this is also great for their depth of field!). Additionally, wooden ride on toys for 1 year olds are fantastic for imagination development and even cognitive thinking.

Pending the toys, they’re also phenomenal at enhancing balancing skills and even vocalizations as they have to ask for help if they get stuck or do something they find exciting!

What Kinds of Wooden Ride-On Toys for 1 Year Olds are There?

There are dozens of different kinds of wooden ride on toys for 1-year olds! You’ll want to find a wooden ride on toy that you know your little one will find interesting. However, keep in mind that this is going to be new to them, so they may not seem excited at first. You’ll have to show them how to use it!

The most popular wooden ride on toys include:

  • Rocking horses
  • Horses with wheels
  • Bicycles with wheels instead of pedals
  • Wooden cars with wheels and a place for feet to move the vehicle
  • Sit n’ steers in various animals or even bees!

These are the most popular wooden ride on toys for 1-year olds that you’ll find on the market today. You may however see some more unique options such as wooden tricycles without pedals or even wooden unicorns!

 Are They Safe?

Wooden ride on toys are perfectly safe for your 1-year-old! They are specifically designed for toddlers so their functionality will not lead to harm. However, this is only if the toys are used correctly.

Wooden ride on toys are meant to be just that, ride on toys. They aren’t for standing, kneeling, pushing around really fast, etc. Your toddler should be sitting on the toy and holding on to the handles with their feel flat on the ground.

They are built to be low to the ground so that if you child does fall off, they aren’t falling far! The handlebars aren’t so large that your kiddo can’t grip them, but they are large enough to support a solid grip. Some handlebars even come with rubber grippers to ensure they can hold on tight.

The toys should not be used to go fast down hills, nor should they go through wet or muddy terrain. They are primarily meant for indoor use but can be used outside on dry concrete.

 How do I Teach my 1-Year-Old to Use a Wooden Ride-On Toy?

Some toddlers may not seem interested in their wooden ride on toy at first. This is likely just because they don’t understand it yet. If this is their first time ever seeing one, it may be intimidating (or appear boring). This is where you come in!

It’s your job to teach your 1-year-old how to use a wooden ride on toy and there are a few ways that you can do this.

  • Have them watch a video of a toddler on it while your kiddo is sitting on their ride on toy. They’ll likely begin trying to imitate what they see.
  • If you have older kids, have them demonstrate for your 1-year-old.
  • Slowly acclimate your toddler to the toy. Place them on it yourself and push them around. Then maybe move their feet for them and have them try. Eventually they will do it on their own.
  • Leave them to it! Place them on the wooden ride on toy and just let them figure it out! They’re very smart and this will enhance their problem-solving skills and their imagination!

Final Thoughts

Wooden ride on toys for 1-year olds are an incredible way to enhance your child’s development in a fun way. 1-year olds love to ride around the house on their bike or pony. These toys help grow your child’s imagination and enhance cognitive development all while having fun! Be sure to teach them how to use the wooden ride on toy and give them time. New toys can be intimating, but they’re also so much fun!

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6 Volt Ride on Toys for Toddlers Image

6 Volt Ride on Toys for Toddlers

If you’re looking for a way to enhance your toddlers’ developmental skills, 6 volt ride on toys for toddlers may be your new favorite option! These toys are designed to help enhance your kiddos gross motor and cognitive skill sets, as well as a few others. They’re also just incredibly fun for toddlers and give them a look at the world around them in a whole new way!

Let’s break down exactly what 6-volt ride on toys are, how they’re beneficial, and what kinds you can get!

What are 6 Volt Ride-On Toys?

6 Volt Ride on Toys for Toddlers ImageSix-volt ride-on toys refers to any toy that toddlers can ride on that requires a 6-volt battery to work. These toys often mimic real-life objects like cars or trucks. Their purpose is to allow your toddler to enhance various skills through the use of a ride on play toy!

Sometimes, the 6-volt ride on toy for toddlers will come with a battery. However, this isn’t always the case. You can purchase a 6-volt battery though for a reasonable price and install it yourself if need be. The battery often comes charged, but if it doesn’t, the ride on toy should explain to you how to charge it if need be.

Are 6 Volt Ride-On Toys Good for Toddlers?

Toddlers love 6-volt ride on toys! They are a fantastic option for any young kiddo. There are of course ride on toys that are better than others, but the age requirements are always listed on the box. You’ll want to be sure you’re purchasing a ride on toy that’s meant for toddlers, otherwise it may be too complicated.

That being said, 6-volt ride on toys are good for toddlers! They allow your child to enhance their gross motor skills and other developmental assets. Since most ride on toys come in the form of cars or trucks, your child gets the opportunity to play in ways they typically don’t. They’ll learn how to steer properly, focusing on their depth perception as well as hand-eye coordination. They’ll also strengthen their leg muscles as they move their foot on and off the break and learn about varying pressures. For example, pressing the gas harder makes them go faster and vice versa.

These kinds of toys can keep a toddler entertained for hours; just be sure you are watching them while they play so they don’t steer into any areas they shouldn’t! The last thing you need is your kiddo trying to become a regular part of traffic!

What are Some 6 Volt Ride-On Toys for Toddlers?

Six Volt Ride on Toys for Toddlers ImageThere are numerous toy companies on the market who make 6-volt ride on toys for toddlers. Most of them make very similar kinds of ride on toys as well! The most popular kinds of 6-volt ride on toys include:

  • Ride on trucks
  • Cars
  • Four-wheelers
  • Ride on bikes

These are the most common types of 6-volt ride on toys that you’ll come across. However, there are some unique options like ride on spaceships or ride on ponies!

Are 6 Volt Ride-On Toys Safe?

Ride on toys for toddlers are absolutely safe so long at they are used properly, and your child is of age. It’s recommended that kids don’t start using ride on toys until they are 2 years old. This is because they need the grip strength to be able to hold onto the handles without falling off.

Some ride on toys do come with seat belts to help ensure toddler safety, which is a great advantage! Make sure you are purchasing a 6-volt ride on toy for toddlers if that’s the age of your kiddo. Purchasing one for older kids will likely be too big, too loud, and too complicated for your little one to maneuver. It could also just be very intimidating for them.

Additionally, it’s important that you are constantly monitoring your toddler when they are using their ride on toy. This is especially true if your toddler is new to this kind of stimulation. It can be overwhelming and confusing at first. Walk them through how to use it. If they have any older siblings, have them use it first for a visual demonstration. You could also show your child a video of someone using the toy for the same effect. Do it with them a few times so they feel comfortable and always encourage them when they succeed!

You want to reiterate everything they’re doing right on their ride on. For example, when they’re holding on, say “I love how you’re holding onto the handlebars!” instead of just “good job!”. This will inform them that holding the handlebars is good and reinforce that behavior and their safety on the ride on toy.

How Fast Does a 6 Volt Ride on Toy Go?

This depends on who made the ride on toy. However, the majority of them have a max speed of about 3 miles per hour. They’re very slow toys, but to a toddler, it’s likely that it feels as if they’re flying down the highway! They’re perfectly safe and your child will never be able to go fast enough for you to have to chase after them. In fact, you can probably briskly walk along side of them!

Where Should My Toddler Use Their 6-Volt Ride-On Toy?

Toddlers can use their ride on car, truck, or four-wheeler on any solid ground. They often work best on concrete, such as driveways or non-busy streets. However, pending the brand, they may also work on damp grass or mildly muddy terrain.

It could be fun to take your kiddo around the block on their ride on toy. Allow them to ride on the sidewalk while you walk beside them. You could take them in the street so long as they stay on your inside and it is not a busy street! If you want to test out some backroads, feel free, just be prepared to have to push them through the tough spots!

Final Thoughts

6-volt ride on toys for toddlers are a phenomenal new way to teach your child to play! They promote coordination, depth of field, cognitive thinking, and gross motor enhancement. These toys often come in the form of a car, truck, or four-wheeler in a variety of colors! Just be sure you are purchasing a 6-volt ride on toy that’s meant for toddlers and not an older child. Additionally, monitor your kiddo while they’re on it, especially when its new! They’re sure to love to their new toy once they get the hang of it!

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Does Kinetic Sand Make a Mess Image 2

Does Kinetic Sand Make a Mess?

Kinetic sand is all the rave these days, and for good reason! It sticks together without water, it holds its shape, and kids love it! However, with the name “sand” in it, parents are hesitant to make the purchase out of fear of finding sand in every nook and cranny in the house! So, the question is, does kinetic sand make a mess?

What is Kinetic Sand?

Kinetic sand is kind of play-sand that gets harder under pressure. Unlike traditional sand, it doesn’t need water to be formed into various shapes and objects. It has the consistency of wet sand that isn’t actually wet and is designed for indoor sand-play.

Kinetic sand found in stores is made from two primary ingredients: fine grain sand and dimethicone. You can however make kinetic sand at home at your own convenience and often for less expensive! To do so you need the following ingredients:

  • Cornstarch
  • Sand
  • Cooking oil

Once you have your ingredients, you can mix them all together in your bowl (recipe will vary based on amount of sand desired). Then play!

Does Kinetic Sand Make a Mess?

Kinetic sand does make a mess but not a huge one. The size of the mess will depend on how your kids play with it. If they’re sitting nicely at a table and forming their sand into castles or shapes, then the mess won’t be bad! However, if they’re wiping it off the table onto the carpet or throwing it at each other…slightly different story.

Keep in mind though, kinetic sand doesn’t stick to anything other than itself. So, it won’t get caught to your kids’ skin, clothes, or hair. It falls right off and only sticks to other kinetic sand particles! Additionally, since kinetic sand sticks to itself, you can form a large clump into a ball and kind of roll it around other areas with the sand, and it’ll pick it all up for you!

There are a variety of tactics you can use to ensure your kinetic sand stays in one place and is easy to clean!

Is it Easy to Clean Up?

Does Kinetic Sand Make a Mess ImageDepending on the way the kinetic sand was used and what it was made from, it is often easy to clean up! Kinetic sand is made from materials that are not sticky, so the sand usually falls right off any area it touches. It only sticks to itself.

Since it isn’t sticky, you can clean it up by using your hand to wipe it off of a table into a container. If it’s on a hard floor, you can sweep it with no problem! If it’s on the carpet, a quick vacuum will usually get it right up. Kinetic sand doesn’t stick to carpet unless there’s something else mixed into it that’s causing it to do so.

If your kiddo got the sand in their hair, they can shake their head outside so the sand falls out. Then, they should take a quick shower just to be sure it all came out! If you really want to play it safe, incorporate some easy methods to ensure your kids don’t make a mess with their kinetic sand.

Tips for Playing with Kinetic Sand Without Making a Mess?

There are so many ways for your kids to play with kinetic sand without making a mess! Try the following methods next time your kid acts for this moldable substance.

Does Kinetic Sand Make a Mess Image 2 Place the kinetic sand in a clear container: having your kiddo play with the sand in a large clear container is a great way to keep kinetic sand mess free. It’s also a fantastic way to teach your kiddo spatial awareness (bonus!).

Make it fun: Kids don’t often love boundaries, so this can be difficult. Try making it fun by burying a bunch of small items in the kinetic sand and sending them on a treasure hunt! This keeps the sand in the box, but they still feel engaged and playful.

 Play with the sand outdoors: Give your kids free range to do what they want with the sand, but outside the house! This keeps the mess outdoors.

Make it fun: Set up sort of an obstacle course with the kinetic sand. Set up small stations where they can play with the sand outside. Set a goal for each station that they need to complete before moving on (such as “make a starfish out of the sand”).

Give them small amounts at a time: If your kiddo wants to mold shapes or animals out of the kinetic sand, give them small amounts at a time. They can always ask for more and you can reevaluate the situation when they do!

Make it fun: “Small amounts” are just not words kids like to hear. So, be engaged with them to make it fun! Have them make small things for you! For example, you could pretend to be at a restaurant and order food from them. Order one item at a time and have them ask for more kinetic sand when they need it!

Does Kinetic Sand Leave a Residue?

Depending on if the sand was bought at the store or made from home, it may leave a residue. If the kinetic sand was made using vegetable oil (or any oil really), it is possible your kids (and the area) will have a slimy residue. However it can be easily washed off!

Kinetic sand from the store however does not leave a residue as it’s made with shelf-sustainable materials.

Final Thoughts

Kinetic sand does not often leave a mess. This is because it doesn’t stick to anything other than itself. Additionally, kinetic sand is easy to wipe off of hard surfaces and vacuum up off of carpeting. It does occasionally leave a residue if it’s made using an oil, but for the most part, it’s a fun sensory activity that leaves little to no mess behind!

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montessori toys for 4 month old image

Montessori Toys For 4 Month old

montessori toys for 4 month old imageYour little baby is all about the playtime when they enter their fourth month. They may already be rolling, or they may start soon. They are noticing colors more, especially red and green. You may notice they are reaching for things and even beginning to pass toys from one hand to another. You’ll see your baby becoming more and more interested in interactive play in their fourth month. You may even start getting some good belly laughs from them. We have rounded up a list of 9 great Montessori toys for 4 month old to help their development and keep them engaged.


9 Montessori toys for a 4-month-old

  1. Baby playmat. A playmat isn’t exactly a toy, but it does provide a soft and safe space for your little one to move around. A playmat can prevent injuries and make tummy time a little more comfortable they just laying on a hard floor. Since tummy time is a big deal at this age, a playmat is defiantly worth a spot on the list.
  2. Floor mirror. Using a baby mirror for playtime is excellent to start using around 4 months. While your baby doesn’t understand that they are looking at themselves, they will have fun watching themselves in the mirror. Make sure you buy a mirror designed for babies and tummy time. It should be shatterproof and the right height for your little one.
  3. Soft grip ball. Around four months is a great time to introduce a soft grip ball to your baby. They are starting to reach out and grasp a hold of things intentionally, and your baby may also be starting to pass things from one hand to the other. You can buy these balls in various colors, which are great for stimulating babies’ vision as well.
  4. Introducing a rattle at this age is also a good idea, and it can help stimulate your baby’s vision with its colors and hearing when rattled. It is also great for passing back and forth between hands.
  5. Spinning drum. An excellent toy for tummy time. A spinning drum or any toy similar that will spin easily will engage your baby, and they will be reaching out for the toy. This can help develop hand and wrist strength and start to develop hand-eye coordination.
  6. Teether toys. There are so many options when it comes to toys for teething. Most, not all, but most babies will start to teeth soon. A teething toy is great for babies to learn how to bring the toy to their mouth and soothe their sore gums. It is another toy that is also great for passing back and forth between hands.
  7. Sensory balls. This is a great time to introduce sensory balls to your baby. These balls are usually made out of natural rubber and have nubby surfaces, and they are perfect for touching, tasting, exploring, and passing from one hand to the other.
  8. Crinkle toys. A crinkle toy will stimulate your baby’s sense of hearing and tactile senses as they grab and squish this toy. These are usually made with natural fabric and have crinkle paper sewed into the middle to make that satisfying crunching sound.
  9. Board books. While your baby at 4 months won’t understand what you are reading, they hear you talk and take in your words. The younger you start reading to your baby, the better. Many books are created with bright colors, and some even have sensory elements that are perfect for babies to grab and explore.

Characteristics of Montessori toys

  • The toys are simple. Your baby can easily become overstimulated, and keeping toys simple is the best way to prevent this. Montessori toys are simple toys that don’t have all the bells and whistles that overwhelm kids. Especially babies, they are just learning about the world around them, having toys with a lot of colors, sounds, and lights is too stimulating for their brains.
  • They are based on reality. Using toys based on reality will give your baby a feel for what is real instead of what is fantasy. Using a toy with a bell is a great idea, and it will teach your baby that swatting the bell will make it chime. In contrast, a toy with random buttons that light up and play music doesn’t make much sense for cause and effect.
  • They are made from natural materials. Giving your baby toys that are made out of wood and metal gives them more information about the world around them. A metal toy is cold to touch and will warm up as your baby holds, and wooden toys have all kinds of textures to explore. They both offer a taste that your baby will enjoy and be curious about as they put toys in their mouths. These toys can vary in weight as well. Plastic toys tend to be one texture, have no taste, and are usually similar weights.
  • Offers limited choices for play. This is a good thing for babies and kids of all ages. They can get overwhelmed easily, and it can be hard for them to make decisions when there are too many choices. This will take away from playtime and their full enjoyment of the toys. You can do a toy rotation as well to keep the toys exciting but limited.


Beginning to introduce Montessori toys when your baby turns 4 months is a great idea. They are little sponges and are starting to become more and more curious about the world around them. Playing with your baby is also great for their development and strengthening your bond with them.

Montessori Toys For 4 Month old Read More »

cool things to build with magna tiles image 2

Cool Things to Build with Magna Tiles

cool things to build with magna tiles image 1Magna Tiles have been around since 1997 and are a favorite in many households. They are a great introduction to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) learning. The recommended age starts at three, and that is the perfect age to begin incorporating STEM learning and laying a solid foundation for your child’s future. Magna tiles are shaped tiles that have magnets around their outer edge and are great for building and being creative.  Let talk about cool things to build with magna tiles.

Magna tiles are a great addition to any child’s toy collection, and learning to build different things with the tiles is an adventure itself.

Our List of Cool Things to Build with Magna Tiles

Here are some ways to help your child get creative with their Magna tiles.

  • Learn the alphabet and numbers. You can buy Magna tile sets with the alphabet and numbers, and you can also build the actual letter and numbers with your child out of the tiles. This is a great opportunity to show the upper- and lower-case letters and pair up numbers to make bigger numbers.
  • Build animals. You can use Magna tiles to build animals, insects, and dinosaurs. Creating a favorite animal is a fun and creative use of magnetic tiles and a great way to learn some design skills.
  • Educational. You can use Magna tile as an educational tool, and it can help your child learn counting, sorting, patterns, and matching skills. They can be drawn on with dry-erase markers, and they are also great to take with you travelling.
  • With other toys. Magna tiles can be used alongside other toys. They can build a house for dolls and furniture to go in the house, a barn for toy animals, cars, and so much more. Magna tiles are a toy that will grow with your child.
  • Playing dominoes with magnetic tiles will keep your kids engaged for hours and have them coming back for more. There is something so satisfying to watch them fall one by one. Start by laying down a row of tiles on the floor, almost like a track. Then stand another tile on top where the two squares that are laying down meet. Keep doing this until you have a nice row of tiles set up, then knock them over like dominoes. Your kids can get creative with this, build several rows, and race to see which falls fastest. They can add twists and turns; there is no limit.
  • Create a maze. There really are no limits to how many mazes your kids can design using Magna tiles. To amp up the fun, you could take turns blowing a ping pong ball through the maze and see who gets the ping pong ball to the end the fastest, without knocking it down, of course.
  • Sensory play. Magna tiles are a great addition to a sensory bin. Throw them in will some rice, kinetic sand, or whatever you like into a bin and let your child’s imagination go wild. They can build little cups, scopes, or whatever they can think up with the tiles.
  • Create colors. Magna tiles are an excellent way to teach your child primary and secondary colors. Since they are translucent, you can place two colors together and make a third color. This might not be so fun for older kids who have already learned about the color wheel, but it’s a great learning opportunity for younger kids.
  • Use on metal surfaces. You can use cookie sheets, table legs, even your garage door. Magna tiles will stick to anything metal and will provide hours of entertainment and creativity to your child.
  • Create a marble run. This is another great way to get the creative juices flowing. You can have your kids create a marble run, and you can hold competitions and have everyone build one and see whose marble goes the fastest, or you can make them on various surfaces.
  • Knock them over. This is a super basic game, but so fun. Get your child to build up the tiles into a tower as high as they can, and then knock it over. You can even make it a game and let them throw a softball or a bean bag at the tower to knock it over. Kids love to be destructive, and this is a great way to let them be as destructive as they want.
  • Build shapes. Magna tiles are an excellent way to teach your toddler about shapes. The tiles themselves come in the shapes of triangles and squares. You can have your kids build shapes out of the tiles like a 3D square, triangle, pyramid, or hexagon. Magna tiles are great for making learning fun and effortless.
  • Build vehicles. Kids love to use Magna tiles to build vehicles, and you can buy Magna tile kits that actually come with wheels and instructions on how to create certain vehicles. You don’t have to make it complicated and stick to building cars, trucks, or even school buses, and your kids will still have a great time.

How many Magna tiles does my child need?

cool things to build with magna tiles image 2It would be a good idea to splurge and get one of the bigger sets of Magna tiles. That will give your child lots of freedom when it comes to building. You can buy 100-piece sets. You can also buy cars and bases to use with your Magna tiles, these aren’t necessary, but they will add to the fun of your Magna tile set. If you have a couple of kids, you may need to buy more so they can make their own creations, and you don’t have fights break out over there not being enough tiles.


Magna tiles are a great toy to engage your child in open-ended play and an excellent introduction to STEM toys. I hope you leave this article with some good ideas of cool things to build with magna tiles with your kids. Magna tiles will bring hours of play and will last for years in your child’s toy rotation.

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Little Tikes Swing Image

Little Tikes Swings and Little Tikes Swing Hanging Kit. 10 Benefits of Swinging

As parents, we are always looking for ways to entertain our kids. Something as simple as a swing will keep your kids engaged for hours, and there are many benefits for kids, toddlers, and babies to spend time swinging. Little Tikes have an excellent variety of swings for kids of all ages. Their products are reliable, well-built, and have been around for years. Little Tikes dominates the market of kid’s toys for a good reason. They are of excellent quality and have your kids in mind when designed.  Lets look at the swings and the Little Tikes swing hanging kit.

Little Tikes 2-in-1 snug ‘n secure grow with me swing

Little Tikes Swing ImageThis swing is perfect for babies nine months and up. The swing can hold up to 50 pounds and has an adjustable t-bar and straps to keep your baby and toddler safe. This is a bucket seat, easy to assemble, and made from sturdy plastic.

Little Tikes Swing

Little Tikes Swing 3-5 ImageA perfect swing for your 3- to 5-year-old. This swing can hold up to 100 pounds, and it is made from high-quality plastic and has been made to last.


Little Tikes swing hanging kit

Little Tikes Swing Hanging Kit Image You will need a swing hanging kit to go with whichever swing you decide to purchase. This kit is easy to install, will hold up to 2200 LBs, and is made from high-quality material.  Although Little Tikes does not make a hanging kit this is what we consider the best Little Tikes swing hanging kit.

  • The 12‘ straps are made of high grade nylon. They can withstand heat from the sun and tough winters.  We bring ours in during the winter just the same.  The straps are 2 inches wide to help prevent any damage to the tree branch they are attached to.
  • The hooks are made of tough steel for safety. It comes with two carabiner hooks and a swivel spinner if you’re installing a dish swing or tire like swing.
  • Follow the install instructions and the product should outlast the childhood swinging.

There are many kits out there but we feel this is the best Little Tikes swing hanging kit.

Now let’s look at the benefits a swing has for babies, toddlers, and kids.

10 benefits of swinging for babies, toddlers, and kids

  1. It can be soothing – If you have a fussy baby or toddler, putting them in a swing can be soothing. Swings can also help with OCD, sensor integration disorder, autism, or anxiety. Having a swing or a hammock set up for your older kids is a great way to help them relax and destress.
  2. Coordination – Learning to pump your legs while swinging generally happens between the ages of two and four. It takes a lot of work to pump your legs on the swing and a lot of coordination. They will learn to use their abdominal muscles, trunk control, and timing when to bring their legs in and when to extend them.
  3. Help to strengthen balance – The repetitive motion of swinging back and forth can help to improve your child’s balance. Swinging helps to develop the vestibular receptors and the inner ear fluid. The inner ear fluid is what signals to the brain that it is moving and where you are in space. By strengthening the connection between the ear and the brain, the sense of balance will be strengthened.
  4. Can help social development – Learning to take turns on a swing, push their friends, and teach other kids how to swing is great for developing social skills. Swings offer lots of opportunities for free play and interaction with other kids, whether at a park or at home during a play date. Playing on swings is an excellent means of developing creativity and much-needed social skills.
  5. Helps with sensory input and integration – Swinging can help the developing brain with sensory input and integration. This is how your brain organizes and interprets new information. Developing sensory integration helps create a strong foundation for more complex learning later in life.
  6. Strengthen fine motor skills– Swinging is a lot more physical than it may seem on the surface; as an adult, it seems natural. To a toddler or child, swinging involves holding on, sitting up straight, balancing using trunk control, and pumping their legs in and out. This is a lot to do at once, but it is excellent for developing motor skills.
  7. Bonding time – As a parent, there is nothing better than seeing your kids having fun and being happy. Installing a swing in your backyard or heading out to a park to swing gives you lots of time to bond with your child. Building a bond through play will is a great way to really connect with your child.
  8. Mood booster – Spending a few minutes swinging is a really great way to get your endorphins flowing, and this is a great way to break out of a bad mood. If you find your child is feeling a little on the low side, convincing them to play on the swing with you can do wonders for their mood and yours.
  9. Focus and attention – The back-and-forth motion of playing on a swing will stimulate the cerebral cortex in the brain. This part of the brain is responsible for focus and attention, and pumping your legs also helps get your blood flowing to your brain. Playing on the swing a few minutes before homework might help your child focus a little better.
  10. Spatial awareness – Having an awareness of where your body is in space is spatial awareness. There are deep receptors in our joints that send signals to our brains to let it know where we are in space, and the pumping action of swinging can activate these receptors.


Not only is swinging a lot of fun for kids, whether they are babies, toddlers, or older, there are so many benefits. Little Tikes swings are a great addition to your backyard and will provide hours of free play.

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air dry clay houses images

What to Make Out of Air Dry Clay: Beautiful Projects That Anyone Can Do

Do you enjoy crafting, but you don’t have that much patience waiting for the paint or glue to dry? Then check out our list of what to make out of air dry clay and craft ideas.


This material is a highly customizable and fun crafting item that you can use to make a variety of projects. Air-dry clay is an excellent crafting medium for both kids and adults!

With this medium, you can create anything from jewelry to figurines and masks, making this clay an excellent choice for both young and old.


The best thing about air-dry clay is that it can be dried without the need of baking in an oven, as traditional clays do. As a result, no special equipment is required.


It is ideal for after-school activities and rainy-day with children. It is also a customizable and an enjoyable crafting medium to work with. Let’s take a look at some things you can do with air dry clay!


What Is Air-dry Clay?

air dry clay houses images

Air dry clay is a popular and reasonably priced option for both large and small art projects. It can be an excellent way for budding artists or craftsperson’s to develop their skills, and even experienced artists appreciate the ease of use of air-drying clay. It can be used to create ornaments, jewelry, and other crafts. Best of all, with this type of clay you don’t need an oven or furnace to produce a beautiful, one-of-a-kind product. After 24 hours, the clay is usually dry. The thicker the clay, the longer it will take to dry completely. It can take up to 72 hours.

What to look for in your air-dry clay


There are a lot of air-dry clay brands on the market. The best one for your little projects is one that is capable of holding its shape after drying. This is important as some brands will meld down by the weight of the project or have a difficult time molding to a desired shape.


Polymer is an excellent choice for these crafts if you intend to do some sculpting. Polymer air-dry clays, in particular, have a better hold on their shape, making them a wiser option for adult projects.


Are These Projects Easy for Amateurs?


Air-dry clay crafts are an amazing option because they are easy to make and don’t require any kind of training or buying of different tools. Honestly, it’s kind of like playdough but permanent! You get to play with your hands, get a little messy, and make something that is unique to you. Anyone can make something out of clay, even kids!


In fact, since the majority of these clay brands are free of harsh chemicals and additives, it’s often preferred by families in comparison to other clay products.

Can Kids Create Air-Dry Clay Crafts?


Children can absolutely engage in an afternoon of molding out of clay.  This allows the kids a chance to use their imagination and enhance their fine motor skills. On top of this, air dry clay is great for kids for the following reasons:


  • Craft ideas do not require the purchase of additional equipment and you can buy and use non-toxic materials.
  • Clay crafts are an excellent last-minute screen-free activity. Most clay craft ideas necessitate only minimal adult supervision.
  • Clay craft projects can be done at home, at a park, at a friend’s house, anywhere!


What to Make Out of Air Dry Clay – Crafts and Projects

Seeing as there are dozens of crafts you could make with clay, it felt necessary to break all of your options down you. This way, you can see all of the options!

Air-dry Clay Ideas:

 Planters & Pots


  • Succulent Planters
  • Petal Planter
  • Clay Succulent Pots
  • Terrazzo Clay Planter


Bracelets Earrings, & Necklaces


  • Terracotta Earrings
  • Clay Beads
  • Feather Earrings
  • Botanical Clay Necklaces
  • Geometric Clay Pendant


Desk Items


  • Rainbow Crayon Holder
  • DIY Embossed Clay Paper Weights
  • Cell Phone Stand Project
  • Clay Photo Holder


Decorative Ornaments


  • Sloth Planter
  • DIY Garden Gnomes
  • Clay Cones



  • Clay Ring Dish
  • Mosaic Pinch Pots Drawer Organizing Trays and Bowls
  • DIY Clay Bowls




  • Clay Leaf Stamped Key Chains
  • Keychains
  • Gold Dipped Clay Heart Keychain
  • Essential Oil Necklace


Air-dry Crafts: Frequently Asked Questions

What Kinds of Things Can I Create with Air-Dry Clay?


By using shaping tools or your hands, you can shape the clay into a variety of sizes and shapes. Put your imagination to work and the sky is the limit.

You can use air-dry clay for:

  • Statues
  • Keychains
  • Magnets
  • Figurines
  • Plates
  • Statues
  • Jewelry
  • Ornaments
  • Sculptures
  • Cups
  • Vases
  • Beads
  • Gems
  • Bowls
  • Planters


After completely air-drying, you can paint these clay ideas with acrylic paints to give your crafts a stunning appearance that really pops!

Air-drying clay can also be pressed into silicone formworks to create custom mold crafts such as clay magnets.

Since there are no boundaries to what you want to create with air-drying clays, they are used in different ways.


Is It Possible to Put Water in Air-Dry Clay?


Water can be added to this type of clay, but it should not be done frequently. Due to the porous nature of this type of clay, adding water will almost certainly cause it to crumble. As a result, water should be used with caution.


When using air-dry clays for your little projects, adding a few drops of water can be beneficial because water helps the clay to keep its shape. However, this should be done sparingly and should not be done one the clay has fully dried.

You can get the best results for your clay projects and ideas by following these air-drying clay tips.


Is Air-dry Clay Sturdy?


Air-dry clays are extremely long-lasting. Just as clay would dry in an oven, this clay will achieve the same, sturdy results. You’ll want to be sure your project is drying on a flat, elevated surface where it won’t be disturbed as it dries.


Is It Possible to Paint Air-Dry Clay Before It Has Dried?


Allow your air-dry clay ideas to completely dry before painting to achieve a more professional-looking finished product. Whereas you can paint them while the clay is wet, it’s possible that you’ll end up with a warped product at the end of the drying period.


What Paint Can I Get to Decorate My Clay Crafts?


When you want to paint air-dry clays, use water-based acrylics rather than oil-based paints. Oil based paints have a tendency to not stick to these clay materials. Acrylic paint will do the trick and still provide a glass-like finish!


Does Air-Dry Clay Need to be Sealed?


You can seal your air-dry clay project with acrylic sealing spray after it has hardened and dried.

Doing this will increase the durability of the finished pieces if they are exposed to water. Using a sealant will also secure any paint job you’ve done, allowing your final results to last longer!


How Do You Prevent Air-Dry Clay from Cracking?


air dry clay plates pictureDry your work on a very clean and flat surface, designed for this kind of clay in order to avoid the warp. Keep your clay at normal temperature and away from hot lights, as heat can damage your work. You’ll also want to avoid using water if you can as water leads to cracking as it evaporates while the product is drying.


Is It Possible to Rehydrate Air Dry Clay?


If you’ve created something that has been set out to dry for 24 hours, no you cannot rehydrate the clay. The clay at this point has fully hardened.


However, if you’ve just let your clay sit out a little too long while you cooked dinner, then yes!

The simplest way to rehydrate dried-out clay is to manipulate it in your hands. The moisture and warmth of your own hands can sometimes aid in softening and improving the texture of the clay.

If this does not work, you can try rehydrating your air-dry clay by bringing back moisture to your dried-out clays using a spray bottle and a plastic bag.


Put 1-2 sprays of water on your dried-out air-dry clay in a sealed bag.  After sealing the bag, set it aside for 30 minutes. In your hands, feel the texture of the clay.


How Do You Repair Cracks in Air-Dried Clay?


Don’t be upset if you notice some flaws in your work. This is normal and occurs with a lot of clay projects because it shrinks as it dries. You can correct this by performing the following steps:

  1. Let the clay completely dry.
  2. Once dry, make a wet clay mixture (using the same one you’re working with) and fill in the cracks.
  3. After you’ve filled all of the openings, allow the clay to get dry again.


Can You Use Air-Dry Clay with Candles?


We recommend using a battery-operated tea light for any projects that call for a candle because the heat from candles can cause this clay to become prone to cracking. There are even fake candles with a flickering setting to make them look more realistic!


Can Air-Dry Clay Be Used Outside?


No, it cannot be used for outdoor clay items because it is not waterproof. Using acrylic paint or applying a sealer to the clay may make it more suitable for outdoor clay pieces, but it isn’t recommended.



  • To avoid deformation, keep your clay creations and ideas drying in well-ventilated areas.
  • When using wet/dry products for art projects, add a bit of water, as too much water will cause twisting.
  • Because oil-based paint can harm porous materials, acrylic paints should always be used instead of oil-based paints.
  • Allow your clay creations to dry entirely before removing them from their molds.

Air dry clay sculpting



So, if you want a long-lasting sculpting piece made of the best and non-toxic materials, this clay is the way to go. The quality and durability of the clay can vary depending on the brand you choose. However, it is generally recommended that you read and follow the instructions included in the packet. Not all air-dry clay is manufactured in the most efficient manner.

Reading customer reviews is the most effective way to find a dependable product. Furthermore, you must be sure that the brand that you’re going to choose is toxin-free and safe for children to use!


Hope our post helped you with some ideas on what to make out of air dry clay.  Have fun sculpting!



What to Make Out of Air Dry Clay: Beautiful Projects That Anyone Can Do Read More »

LeapStart Preschool Success Bundle Image

The Best LeapFrog Toys for 4 Year Olds

LeapFrog is a popular brand amongst parents as the company provides educational toys for children. Their toys are known for their ability to stimulate a child’s brain while they play fun games! Kids don’t even know they are learning, which is of course ideal. Let’s talk about some of the best LeapFrog toys for 4 year olds.

Four-year-olds are at the age where they’re getting ready to enter or have already started preschool. LeapFrog has designed dozens of toys that can aid in a child’s learning by mimicking what they’re already learning in school!

What kinds of toys are best for 4 year olds?

Four-year-olds are filled with an abundance of energy and need a significant amount stimulation. However, that doesn’t mean they need to be playing mindless games that do nothing other than dry out their eyes! The best kinds of toys for 4 year olds are ones that have the following features:

  • Games that encourage taking turns. Four-year-olds are at the age where they are expected to socialize and interact with their peers. This is often done through taking turns playing together with a game or a toy. Sometimes, this can be a difficult skill that they do not Purchasing a LeapFrog game that encourages sharing and taking turns is a great way to instill that concept in your child at home so they can transfer the behavior to school!
  • Toys that stimulate the imagination. Most preschool-age kids have the biggest, wildest imaginations and this is something you want to encourage. Imaginations are what help a child learn about creative thinking and understanding the world around them. Purchasing LeapFrog toys that promote this ability is ideal for your four-year-old!
  • Educational Toys. Toys that promote age-appropriate learning are a fantastic option. It’s always nice when you notice your child picking up on a new skill. By purchasing toys that teach, you can encourage an active, growing brain. You’ll also likely notice that these new lessons transfer to school or generalize to the world around them.
  • Toys that promote fine motor skills. At this age, your child is starting to learn how to hold a pencil, how to write letters, how to draw a shape, etc. These are skills you want to encourage. Finding a LeapFrog toy that promotes these abilities through fun games is a great way to help develop these skills at home!

At this age, children are becoming aware of the different kinds of toys that exist, different characters they enjoy, and different ways of playing they like to engage in. It’s your job to find toys that are not only educational and support a growing brain, but also that your child will like and play with!

What LeapFrog toys will your child like?

Now that you know what to look for in toys for your preschool aged child, it’s time to pick out some options! You want to consider your specific child’s likes and dislikes. What kind of toy are they most likely to play with? For example:

  • Do they like to write or draw?
  • Does your child enjoy puzzles or brain teaser games?
  • Do they prefer games that have their favorite characters in them?
  • Are they interested in stories?
  • Do they get over stimulated easy?
  • What areas do you want to focus on?

Understanding your child is the first step, next is to choose the best LeapFrog toys for 4 year olds!

Top 10 LeapFrog Toys for 4 Year Olds

LeapFrog 2-in-1 Leaptop Touch

LeapFrog 2-in-1 Leaptop Touch ImageThe LeapFrog 2-in-1 Leaptop Touch is a device designed to mimic the look of a laptop that mom, dad, or guardian would have. The Leaptop Touch comes with a full A-Z keyboard and 1-10 keyboard to help your child learn their alphabet and numbers. It also has a swivel screen that can be completely turned and used as a tablet.

This LeapFrog toy is a great option for promoting imaginative play as your child can pretend to be like you by sending emails, writing letters, etc. You can even set up the device so that your child has to input their name so they can use it, which helps with spelling and learning the alphabet!

The Leaptop Touch has 5 modes: alphabet, numbers, games, music, and messages.

LeapFrog My Own Leaptop

LeapFrog My Own Leaptop imageThis toy is ideal for parents who want to encourage learning, but don’t want their child heavily fixated on the screen. The LeapFrog My Own Leaptop looks like a laptop, but for kids! It comes with a full alphabet keyboard and a screen that flips up. It is not a touch screen unlike the Leaptop Touch, and it also does not have the numbers. However, it is a great starter device your young kids who want to look like mom/dad/guardian!

This device is also ideal for kids who get overstimulated by electronic devices because it is rather simple. It does have four modes: ABC’s, games, music, and messages, but the device is smaller and not as overwhelming as other larger options.


LeapFrog Scribble and Write

LeapFrog Scribble and Write imageIdeal LeapFrog toys for 4 year olds who are about to enter preschool or have already started it. The LeapFrog Scribble and Write is, as it sounds, a place for your kids to practice writing and drawing! The device is similar to that of an etch-o-sketch. Your child can use the provided pen to write on the screen and then slide the tab on the bottom to erase what they have made. It’s a fantastic way to promote fine motor skills and an active imagination as your child can draw flowers, you, the sun, a home, whatever they want!

The device also comes with a full alphabet so they can practice copying their letters and numbers on the screen!


LeapFrog Fridge Phonics Magnetic Letter Set

LeapFrog Fridge Phonics Magnetic Letter Set ImageThis toy is particularly unique as it promotes fine motor skills, early learning, and an imagination all in one! The toy is entirely magnetic and sticks to your fridge door. It comes with all the letters in the alphabet as well as a magnetic piece that looks like a school bus. Your child can choose a letter, stick it to the bus, and the bus will tell you what letter it is out loud so your child can learn to identify their letters.

You can help your child spell out small words like cat, dog, bat, sat, mom, dad, etc. The letters are designed for little hands and aids in fine motor development while your child has fun spelling. The bus itself also comes with over a dozen songs that your child can sing along to, which encourages speech development and vocabulary!


LeapFrog RockIt Twist Handheld Learning Game System

LeapFrog RockIt Twist Handheld Learning Game System ImageIdeal for kids who do not get overstimulated easily and prefer games where they don’t know they’re learning anything; this toy has all the makings for them!  The LeapFrog RockIt Twist Handheld system is designed to promote fine motor skills, age-appropriate learning, imagination, and even responsibility!

With dozens of games that incorporate lights, sounds, control switches, and voice activated sensors, this learning game system will keep your child entertained for hours. One of the coolest games is actually the ability to raise up to 3 RockIt Pets on the device (teaching responsibility). Your child will be responsible for hatching the pet, providing nutrients, taking it for walks, etc. The games on the device are designed to help your child with matching, vocabulary, spelling, even math! It’s really an all-in-one device, but it can be overwhelming for some kids.


LeapFrog Scout and Violet 100 Words Book

LeapFrog Scout and Violet 100 Words Book ImageThe LeapFrog Scout and Violet 100 Words Book promotes early vocabulary in young learners. The device holds over 100 words that are common in a 4-year-old vocabulary. Your child will touch the pictures/words on the screen and the device will play them back to your child out loud. This helps your child with vocab as well as memory. The book will also provide fun facts about each of the words and what they mean in relation to your child’s life!

With categories like pets, dining, animals, colors, and opposites, you’ll watch your child’s vocabulary grow as they interact with Scout and Violet to learn!


LeapFrog LeapStart Toy Story 4 Toys Save the Day

LeapFrog LeapStart Toy Story 4 Toys Save the Day ImageFor the fans of Woody, Buzz, and Bo Peep, this LeapFrog toy will get your child’s imagination running and teach them all about reading, science, and vocabulary! The toy needs to be paired with a LeapFrog device that has a screen so your child can play along with the games.

The device reads stories aloud to your child, asking them questions along the way. They’ll get to learn all about their favorite characters and help them with their adventures through an interactive experience!


LeapFrog LeapLand Adventures

LeapLand Adventures ImageThis toy is intended to be your child’s first video game, but a video game that is educational and productive! The game hooks up to your television and comes with a controller that your kids use to interact with the toy. The toy takes your child on an adventure to find hidden keys that unlock the doors to a castle. Along their trek, they learn about letters, numbers, and vocabulary!

This game promote the imagination as well as age-appropriate learning. If you have other children, they can learn to share the controller as the game only comes with one.


LeapFrog LeapStart Preschool Success Bundle

LeapStart Preschool Success Bundle ImageSince your child is currently in or about to be in preschool, you may want to consider purchasing the LeapFrog LeapStart Preschool Success Bundle! The toy comes with a LeapStart stylus that you child will use to interact with the toy. They’ll enhance their fine motor skills by using the stylus to touch the screen when prompted such as when identifying letters or drawing numbers.  Another great addition to our LeapFrog toys for 4 year olds.

The toy comes with several books and stories that can be read aloud to your child and that your child can follow along with. Several of the stories ask your child engaging questions throughout the reading to promote engagement and early learning of vocab, math, and science!


LeapFrog LeapStart Learning Success Bundle

The LeapFrog LeapStart Learning Success Bundle is kind of like the big brother to the preschool bundle. It’s intended for children of the same age, but who might be ready for additional stimulation or more difficult tasks.

In this bundle, your children will learn more about vocabulary, writing out words, solving math problems, etc. There is even a music section that your kids can sing songs too and enhance their musical abilities.

The games in this bundle have two levels so that your child can learn and play at their own pace. The second level is more difficult than the first but is built off of the first so they’re never starting from scratch! Once they master level 1, they can move on to level 2!


*Bonus Toy! *

LeapFrog Scoop and Learn Ice Cream Cart Deluxe

This LeapFrog toy is an amazing way to promote your child’s imagination, matching skills, vocabulary, and identification skills. Your child will play the role of the ice cream man and make ice cream cones based on the order presented on any of the 6 cards. The ice cream cart will verbalize the color and flavor of each ice cream option. This encourages memory and vocabulary. Your child will also learn basic counting as the cards tell them how many pumps of a topping such as chocolate syrup to add. The cart will verbalize each number as they hit the pump!

Fine motor skills and gross motor skills are also enhanced here as they manipulate the scoopers, push the pumps, and push the cart around the house! They can share this toy with siblings as well to help enhance that skill!

Final Thoughts:

There are numerous LeapFrog toys available for your four-year-old. You want to find toys that encourage age-appropriate learning and enhance fine motor skills. It’s also beneficial to find toys that promote vocabulary and imagination. These top 10 toys with the fabulous bonus toy are ideal LeapFrog toys for 4 year olds who love to play games. You get the added bonus of knowing your child is also learning and not wasting time staring at a screen!

Encouraging your child’s learning is something every parent wants and LeapFrog toys for preschoolers can help you do that!

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