
kinetic sand image

Cool Things to Do with Kinetic Sand

Kinetic sand is a type of play material that looks like wet, compacted sand. It’s different from traditional sand because kinetic sand sticks together in your hand, and it’s easy to mold into shapes. Kids love playing with this stuff! And the best part about kinetic sand is that you can buy it at most toy stores or online retailers.  Let look a the cool things to do with kinetic sand.

So, what fun things can you do with kinetic sand? We’ve come up with a list of cool activities and crafts for you, your friends, and your kids!

Is Kinetic Sand Safe?

Kinetic sand is a type of play material made up of tiny grains of sand held together by a water-based adhesive. It has gained popularity in recent years because it is easy to mold into shapes, and when it dries, the sand does not stick to your hands.

So, is kinetic sand safe? The answer to that question depends on who you ask. Kinetic sand has been known to cause skin irritation in some people, so if you have sensitive skin, it may be a good idea to test out the product on a small part of your body. And because kinetic sand is a type of play material, it should not be ingested – so make sure to teach young children not to eat the product.

Cool Things to Do with Kinetic Sand

Here are some cool things you can do with kinetic sand:

1.      Sand Playdough

kinetic sand imageKinetic sand is a great material to play with because it’s so soft and malleable. It’s also fun to make things with, and you can create all sorts of shapes and designs. One great activity to do with kinetic sand is to make playdough out of it.

To make kinetic sand playdough, you’ll need:

  • Kinetic sand
  • Water
  • Food coloring (optional)

To make the playdough, start by adding a few tablespoons of water to your kinetic sand. Mix it until the water is fully absorbed. If you want, you can add food coloring at this point to give your playdough a fun color. Once the water is mixed in, add a few more tablespoons of water and mix again. Continue doing this until the playdough has reached your desired consistency. You can make it as thick or thin as you want.

Once the playdough is ready, you can use it in all sorts of creative ways. You can roll it into a ball and smash it flat again to create a pancake shape, for example, or build mini sandcastles with it.

2.      Sand Slime

Another fun activity to do with kinetic sand is making slime. If you haven’t made slime before, it’s easy to make and really entertaining. Kinetic sand slime is a little different from most other types of slime, but it works the same way, and kids will love getting their hands messy and playing around with it. To make kinetic sand slime, you’ll need:

  • Kinetic sand
  • Borax
  • Water

kinetic sand slimeTo make the kinetic sand slime, start by adding your desired amount of kinetic sand to a bowl or bucket. Add some water and mix it in thoroughly to make sure every grain of sand is wet. It should be damp but not sopping wet; if it’s too wet, you’ll need to add some more sand.

Next, measure out your borax and set it aside. Add a half cup of water to your sand mixture and stir it in well. Pour the borax on top of the sand mixture slowly; it will react with the water and start forming clumps. Keep adding borax until you have a big clump of goopy sand in your bowl.

Once the mixture has turned to slime, take it out of the bowl and play around with it. It’s not quite as heavy or wet as regular kinetic sand, but kids will still enjoy making things with it or smashing it into pieces.

If you want, you can add a few drops of food coloring to your slime to make it even more colorful. If you do this, be sure not to put the borax on top of the slime until all the water has been absorbed, or else it will react with the liquid and form clumps too soon.

3.      Sand Candle Holders

Sand candle holders are another exciting thing you can make with kinetic sand. You can easily make shapes to hold your candles with kinetic sand, and the finished project looks great too. The best part is that you can use it as decoration or light the candle inside. To make a kinetic sand candle holder, you’ll need:

  • Kinetic sand
  • Thick candle (optional)

To make your candle holder, start by rolling out your kinetic sand on a flat surface. If you want, you can press the candle in it to make an impression before adding water. Once your shape is roughly how you like it, add some water and let the mixture soak in until it’s damp but not wet throughout.

Once your sand is damp, pull the mold apart at the edges and slip out the piece of sand that you just made. This will give it a nice smooth edge that looks decorative when displayed. You can also use this technique to create simple shapes or designs if you put them into individual molds instead of taking them right off after they’re done mixing.

4.      Kinetic Sand Stamping

Stamping is a fun activity that you can do using kinetic sand. You can press all sorts of objects into the sand to make different designs. The best part about this activity is that kids can work together to create their own custom stamps by using whatever objects they happen to have lying around.

To make your kinetic sand stamp, you’ll need:

  • Kinetic sand
  • Objects (like beans or spices)

To start, simply fill a shallow container with enough kinetic sand for your design. Once you’ve done that, lay down some paper and put your object on top of it. Using something heavy like a book, push down on the object until an impression has been in the sand below it; this will create your stamp.

With this technique, you can make any design you want, so get creative learning cool things to do with kinetic sand!

5.      Treasure Hunt

One fun activity that kids will enjoy is a treasure hunt. Most parents have done this before with their children, but it’s always a hit because kids love finding hidden treasures. You can make treasure hunting even more fun with kinetic sand by adding clues and riddles to figure out where the next spot is.

To create a kinetic sand treasure hunt, you’ll need:

  • Kinetic sand
  • Treasure rewards

To start your hunt, place some of your desired amount of kinetic sand into a plastic container or Ziploc bag—the bigger the container, the longer your hunt could be! Add in some small objects like beads or marbles to add weight and give it some purpose; these should be different from anything your child would normally find around the house so that it’s more exciting.

Once you have the container filled with sand and objects, place it somewhere your child will find it but won’t be able to see inside—underneath their pillow, between the sofa cushions, etc. After doing this, create a small map or riddle for them to follow, so they know where to go next. You could also leave some hints along the way to make sure they don’t get lost or give up too soon.

6.      Fun Math and English Activities

Kinetic sand can also be used to make math and English more fun for kids. Rather than just memorizing the alphabet, let your child create letters or numbers with kinetic sand and learn how it works—they’ll have more fun memorizing things this way! To make a kinetic sand letter, you’ll need:

  • Kinetic sand
  • A small glass (like an old jam jar)

To start, take some kinetic sand and place it at the bottom of the glass. Once you’ve got the right amount, press down on it until there’s about two inches of solid material at the bottom. Then, use something sharp like a toothpick to carve grooves into the surface along all its edges. Be careful not to break through any of the pieces, though.

If you want to make a number instead of a letter, use something pointy but not sharp like a toothpick or eraser end of a pencil to carve dots into your kinetic sand. Make as many as you need on the lines already there for each groove to create whatever number or shape, you’re trying to make. You can then turn this into math practice by having your child count them aloud while ensuring they didn’t mix up any dot placements!

7.      Cook Up Pretend Meals

If you’re a parent, chances are that at least one of your kids has asked you to play with them in the kitchen. You can turn this into an educational activity by having them use kinetic sand! More cool things to do with kinetic sand.  Kids love playing with food even if they don’t know how cooking it works, so your kids will greatly enjoy this while also learning about fractions and measurements.

To create kinetic sand food, you’ll need:

  • Kinetic sand
  • Measuring spoons and cups
  • Pint containers or other small plastic bowls for serving things like ice cream scoops

Cool Things to Do with Kinetic Sand image 1Pending the foods your kids want to make, you can make this a learning activity from start to finish! You could teach them how you would make a bowl of cereal, a hot dog, a cup of tea, etc.

You could also use this opportunity to incorporate some lessons on hot stoves and ovens. For example, walk them through how to make a cupcake or a 2-layer birthday cake!

If you have kids interested in cooking or baking but are still too young to do so themselves, let them practice making pretend versions of their favorite foods with kinetic sand!

8.      Model The Solar System Planets

One fun thing you can do with kinetic sand is make a planetary model to learn about the solar system. To make your custom planet models, you’ll need:

  • Kinetic sand (2 colors)
  • Small bowls or cups
  • Rolling pin (optional)
  • Cardstock sheet (optional)

To start this activity, set up two small dishes of different colored kinetic sand—one blue and one orange are great choices for this demonstration. Put them next to each other. If you want to, you can roll up some cardstock sheets and place them on the floor or table as well, so your kids don’t have to worry about cleaning after this activity.

Once your setup is complete, tell your child you’re going to show them the planets in the solar system using kinetic sand! Have them come closer and watch as you take their first color of sand and place it in the center of the surface—this will be where your sun goes. Then, slowly add each individual planet as it orbits the sun or lines up next to it. You can tell your kid a little bit about each planet along the way!

Final Thoughts:

Kinetic sand is a versatile material that can be used for many different activities, both educational and recreational. In this article, we’ve shared just a few of the possibilities, but there are countless other cool things to do with kinetic sand out there waiting to be explored. Have fun with your kids using kinetic sand in new and exciting ways!

Cool Things to Do with Kinetic Sand Read More »

Kids always need to try and learn new things, while also enjoying their time and having fun. What can be better for them than LeapFrog refrigerator magnets which are very interactive and just a pleasure to use? These refrigerator magnets are electronic, and they bring in a very distinctive way for children to not only have fun and learn new stuff, but also sing along as well. What is the role of LeapFrog refrigerator magnets? These are beautiful, visually impressive refrigerator magnets made with kids in mind. They have 2 different speaker levels you can choose from and a multitude of alphabet tiles that help kids learn new things in an exciting and engaging manner. Not only that, but the LeapFrog refrigerator magnets are very interesting, visually imposing, and they encourage kids to continue learning the alphabet in a variety of ways. Once your child starts using the LeapFrog refrigerator magnet, he will automatically stay near the fridge and learn a whole lot of great things. Thanks to the incredible attention to detail and vast sense of immersion, the LeapFrog refrigerator magnets are ideal for kids of all ages. This is the type of product that helps enhance fine motor skills, your child’s vocabulary, and it can be just as good for topics such as phonics. For a lot of kids, learning the alphabet can be quite the challenge. That’s why it’s important for your child to have some assistance and support, and that’s where such an interactive refrigerator magnet comes into play. The product is very easy to use and it can be fully adapted to your child’s requirements. It’s also very innovative and the fact that it’s a toy and a magnet makes it versatile. Unlike other similar products, the LeapFrog refrigerator magnet has a stable base on the fridge, and it does encourage your child to use it whenever he/she sees fit. Moreover, it’s safe to use, it doesn’t have any sharp edges either. What that means is that kids get to not only enjoy their time with this product and sing, but they also learn the alphabet naturally. The best way to help kids learn pronunciation Learning how to pronounce every letter of the alphabet is quite challenging for a lot of kids. The thing that makes LeapFrog refrigerator magnets different is they add a high level of interaction. Your kid just needs to press any letter twice and then the letter in question will be used in a sentence. Tad the frog will teach your child how to pronounce every letter of the alphabet naturally. This way your kid can replicate exactly what Tad did. And since practice makes perfect, your child can repeat this again and again without any problem. It helps quite a bit, and it will convey much better results every time. That’s what makes it well worth the effort, and the benefits can be extraordinary. Great sounds Despite the fact that LeapFrog refrigerator magnets are not very large and without massive speakers, they do sound great. You have 3 great songs you can listen to, such as Wheels on the Bus or the Alphabet Song. These are very helpful for hearing and understanding the alphabetic order naturally. Being able to hear Tad use words in sentences makes language learning a lot easier, and overall it conveys much better results. All letter tiles can be easily manipulated by kids, so your child can easily interact with the LeapFrog refrigerator magnet and play. There’s no need for parents to intervene, which is great. It just encourages the idea of learning new things, trying out something new and learning alongside Tad the frog. Do the LeapFrog refrigerator magnets work? The great thing about these interactive fridge magnets is that they actively work very well. Not only do kids learn the alphabet, but it’s a lot easier for them to better understand every topic and ensure that they have a great time. The fact that this fridge magnet is also light and easy to use, safe and convenient is what really sets it apart. The set comes with 26 letters which are all magnetic, and kids can easily switch between letters to learn new things. It certainly adds to the entire experience, while allowing your child to experiment all the time. Alphabet knowledge is very important, since it’s one of the base skills when it comes to reading comprehension. Because of that, it’s more important than ever for your child to learn how to spell or say things properly. Thanks to the LeapFrog refrigerator magnets, this is a lot easier and more convenient than ever before. The most important aspect is that the product is suitable for kids 2+ years old. That means most kids will be able to learn the alphabet from home, without even going to the kindergarten. It’s a great starting point, and it certainly delivers a very impressive, extraordinary experience. Very good performance and quality LeapFrog’s product doesn’t come with a storage bag for letters, however you can easily store them separately. That’s not a huge deal, and it certainly doesn’t detract from the value of the product. Moreover, the letters are rather large, so there’s no worry about kids swallowing letters accidentally. Despite being made out of plastic, the product is quite durable, and it delivers consistent results. Moreover, there are 2 volumes, one is rather low, and the other one is louder, so you can choose whichever one is better. Since the LeapFrog team does have great customer service, whenever something happens you can get in touch and they will help. Conclusion If you want your kids to learn the alphabet, improve their vocabulary and their fine motor skills, then this is a great purchase. LeapFrog refrigerator magnets are high quality, reliable and a pleasure to use. They offer an extraordinary level of interaction, and you will be impressed with the value and efficiency. Plus, this product can be used as many time as your kid wants, it can withstand a lot of wear and tear, while still delivering excellent performance!

LeapFrog refrigerator magnets. What are they and why should you give them a try?

Kids always need to try and learn new things, while also enjoying their time and having fun. What can be better for them than LeapFrog refrigerator magnets which are very interactive and just a pleasure to use? These refrigerator magnets are electronic, and they bring in a very distinctive way for children to not only have fun and learn new stuff, but also sing along as well.

What is the role of LeapFrog refrigerator magnets?

Kids always need to try and learn new things, while also enjoying their time and having fun. What can be better for them than LeapFrog refrigerator magnets which are very interactive and just a pleasure to use? These refrigerator magnets are electronic, and they bring in a very distinctive way for children to not only have fun and learn new stuff, but also sing along as well. What is the role of LeapFrog refrigerator magnets? These are beautiful, visually impressive refrigerator magnets made with kids in mind. They have 2 different speaker levels you can choose from and a multitude of alphabet tiles that help kids learn new things in an exciting and engaging manner. Not only that, but the LeapFrog refrigerator magnets are very interesting, visually imposing, and they encourage kids to continue learning the alphabet in a variety of ways. Once your child starts using the LeapFrog refrigerator magnet, he will automatically stay near the fridge and learn a whole lot of great things. Thanks to the incredible attention to detail and vast sense of immersion, the LeapFrog refrigerator magnets are ideal for kids of all ages. This is the type of product that helps enhance fine motor skills, your child’s vocabulary, and it can be just as good for topics such as phonics. For a lot of kids, learning the alphabet can be quite the challenge. That’s why it’s important for your child to have some assistance and support, and that’s where such an interactive refrigerator magnet comes into play. The product is very easy to use and it can be fully adapted to your child’s requirements. It’s also very innovative and the fact that it’s a toy and a magnet makes it versatile. Unlike other similar products, the LeapFrog refrigerator magnet has a stable base on the fridge, and it does encourage your child to use it whenever he/she sees fit. Moreover, it’s safe to use, it doesn’t have any sharp edges either. What that means is that kids get to not only enjoy their time with this product and sing, but they also learn the alphabet naturally. The best way to help kids learn pronunciation Learning how to pronounce every letter of the alphabet is quite challenging for a lot of kids. The thing that makes LeapFrog refrigerator magnets different is they add a high level of interaction. Your kid just needs to press any letter twice and then the letter in question will be used in a sentence. Tad the frog will teach your child how to pronounce every letter of the alphabet naturally. This way your kid can replicate exactly what Tad did. And since practice makes perfect, your child can repeat this again and again without any problem. It helps quite a bit, and it will convey much better results every time. That’s what makes it well worth the effort, and the benefits can be extraordinary. Great sounds Despite the fact that LeapFrog refrigerator magnets are not very large and without massive speakers, they do sound great. You have 3 great songs you can listen to, such as Wheels on the Bus or the Alphabet Song. These are very helpful for hearing and understanding the alphabetic order naturally. Being able to hear Tad use words in sentences makes language learning a lot easier, and overall it conveys much better results. All letter tiles can be easily manipulated by kids, so your child can easily interact with the LeapFrog refrigerator magnet and play. There’s no need for parents to intervene, which is great. It just encourages the idea of learning new things, trying out something new and learning alongside Tad the frog. Do the LeapFrog refrigerator magnets work? The great thing about these interactive fridge magnets is that they actively work very well. Not only do kids learn the alphabet, but it’s a lot easier for them to better understand every topic and ensure that they have a great time. The fact that this fridge magnet is also light and easy to use, safe and convenient is what really sets it apart. The set comes with 26 letters which are all magnetic, and kids can easily switch between letters to learn new things. It certainly adds to the entire experience, while allowing your child to experiment all the time. Alphabet knowledge is very important, since it’s one of the base skills when it comes to reading comprehension. Because of that, it’s more important than ever for your child to learn how to spell or say things properly. Thanks to the LeapFrog refrigerator magnets, this is a lot easier and more convenient than ever before. The most important aspect is that the product is suitable for kids 2+ years old. That means most kids will be able to learn the alphabet from home, without even going to the kindergarten. It’s a great starting point, and it certainly delivers a very impressive, extraordinary experience. Very good performance and quality LeapFrog’s product doesn’t come with a storage bag for letters, however you can easily store them separately. That’s not a huge deal, and it certainly doesn’t detract from the value of the product. Moreover, the letters are rather large, so there’s no worry about kids swallowing letters accidentally. Despite being made out of plastic, the product is quite durable, and it delivers consistent results. Moreover, there are 2 volumes, one is rather low, and the other one is louder, so you can choose whichever one is better. Since the LeapFrog team does have great customer service, whenever something happens you can get in touch and they will help. Conclusion If you want your kids to learn the alphabet, improve their vocabulary and their fine motor skills, then this is a great purchase. LeapFrog refrigerator magnets are high quality, reliable and a pleasure to use. They offer an extraordinary level of interaction, and you will be impressed with the value and efficiency. Plus, this product can be used as many time as your kid wants, it can withstand a lot of wear and tear, while still delivering excellent performance!These are beautiful, visually impressive refrigerator magnets made with kids in mind. They have 2 different speaker levels you can choose from and a multitude of alphabet tiles that help kids learn new things in an exciting and engaging manner. Not only that, but the LeapFrog refrigerator magnets are very interesting, visually imposing, and they encourage kids to continue learning the alphabet in a variety of ways.

Once your child starts using the LeapFrog refrigerator magnet, they will automatically stay near the fridge and learn a whole lot of great things. Thanks to the incredible attention to detail and vast sense of immersion, the LeapFrog refrigerator magnets are ideal for kids of all ages. This is the type of product that helps enhance fine motor skills, your child’s vocabulary, and it can be just as good for topics such as phonics.

For a lot of kids, learning the alphabet can be quite the challenge. That’s why it’s important for your child to have some assistance and support, and that’s where such an interactive refrigerator magnet comes into play. The product is very easy to use and it can be fully adapted to your child’s requirements. It’s also very innovative and the fact that it’s a toy and a magnet make it versatile.

Unlike other similar products, the LeapFrog refrigerator magnet has a stable base on the fridge, and it does encourage your child to use it whenever he/she sees fit. Moreover, it’s safe to use, it doesn’t have any sharp edges either. What that means is that kids get to not only enjoy their time with this product and sing, but they also learn the alphabet naturally.

The best way to help kids learn pronunciation

Learning how to pronounce every letter of the alphabet is quite challenging for a lot of kids. The thing that makes LeapFrog refrigerator magnets different is they add a high level of interaction. Your kid just needs to press any letter twice and then the letter in question will be used in a sentence. Tad the frog will teach your child how to pronounce every letter of the alphabet naturally. This way your child can replicate exactly what Tad did.

And since practice makes perfect, your child can repeat this again and again without any problem. It helps quite a bit, and it will convey much better results every time. That’s what makes it well worth the effort, and the benefits can be extraordinary.

Great sounds

Despite the fact that LeapFrog refrigerator magnets are not very large and without massive speakers, they do sound great. You have 3 great songs you can listen to, such as Wheels on the Bus or the Alphabet Song. These are very helpful for hearing and understanding the alphabetic order naturally. Being able to hear Tad use words in sentences makes language learning a lot easier, and overall, it conveys much better results.

All letter tiles can be easily manipulated by kids, so your child can easily interact with the LeapFrog refrigerator magnet and play. There’s no need for parents to intervene, which is great. It just encourages the idea of learning new things, trying out something new and learning alongside Tad the frog.

Do the LeapFrog refrigerator magnets work?

leapfrog refrigerator magnets image 2The great thing about these interactive fridge magnets is that they actively work very well. Not only do kids learn the alphabet, but it’s a lot easier for them to better understand every topic and ensure that they have a great time. The fact that this fridge magnet is also light and easy to use, safe and convenient is what really sets it apart.

The kids can easily switch between letters to learn new things. It certainly adds to the entire experience, while allowing your child to experiment all the time. Alphabet knowledge is very important, since it’s one of the base skills when it comes to reading comprehension. Because of that, it’s more important than ever for your child to learn how to spell or say things properly.

Thanks to the LeapFrog refrigerator magnets, this is a lot easier and more convenient than ever before. The most important aspect is that the product is suitable for kids 2+ years old. That means most kids will be able to learn the alphabet from home, without even going to the kindergarten. It’s a great starting point, and it certainly delivers a very impressive, extraordinary experience.

Very good performance and quality

LeapFrog’s product doesn’t come with a storage bag for letters, however you can easily store them separately. That’s not a huge deal, and it certainly doesn’t detract from the value of the product. Moreover, the letters are rather large, so there’s no worry about kids swallowing letters accidentally.

Despite being made out of plastic, the product is quite durable, and it delivers consistent results. There are 2 volumes, one is rather low, but you can choose whichever one is better. The LeapFrog team does have great customer service, whenever something happens you can get in touch and they will help.


This is a great purchase if you want your kids to learn the alphabet and improve their vocabulary. LeapFrog refrigerator magnets are high quality, reliable and a pleasure to use. They offer an extraordinary level of interaction, and you will be impressed with the value and efficiency. Plus, this product can be used as many times as your child wants.  It can withstand a lot of wear and tear, while still delivering excellent performance!


LeapFrog refrigerator magnets. What are they and why should you give them a try? Read More »

little tikes trampoline image 1

Little Tikes Pink Trampoline

Little Tikes has been providing parents with more than adequate toys for many years. From handheld toys to rocking horses, to cars, to basketball hoops! Little Tikes has a large array of options for your child’s interest.  Today we look at the Little Tikes pink trampoline.

One item of Little Tikes that is raved about is their trampolines! Keep reading to learn more about the Little Tikes pink trampoline and why you might need one for your household!

We were not able to find an actual Little Tikes trampoline in pink.  There appears to be some knock offs in pink but not a brand name.

Who is it For and Why Would You Need It?

little tikes trampoline imageIf you’ve got a little one that seems to have an abundance of energy, then you might consider purchasing a toy that can keep them entertained for hours. The Little Tikes pink trampoline is perfect for families with energetic children.   (Even in Blue!)  If your child loves to jump on the furniture or climb up cabinets, they may need a trampoline to burn off some energy.

Little Tikes manufactures trampolines of all different shapes and sizes. This specific trampoline is three feet, just the right size for toddlers and young children. The weight limit is 180 pounds. With that being said, even the older kids can enjoy it!

Parents will also be happy to know that each foot has rubber feet. The rubber feet reduce the amount of noise and protect the floor from scratches.

All About the Little Tikes Trampoline

Each Little Tikes trampoline comes with a handlebar for jumping assistance. As a safety feature, the handlebar is intended to help little children with balance and protection. According to Little Tikes, the trampoline is a way for kids to practice concentration and coordination.

In addition to the handlebar, the diameter of the trampoline is covered in a round foam pad. The foam pad prevents children from having fingers and toes pinched or caught in the metal springs or elastic bands.

Can Little Tikes trampoline go outside?

If you don’t have a lot of outdoor space for a large trampoline, this is also a replacement option. It is intended for indoor use. The small diameter of three feet makes it the perfect size for a living room corner or a playroom.  You can bring this outside but you should not leave it out in the elements.

What is the age limit for a Little Tikes trampoline?

The trampoline is for ages 3-6.

What Do Other People Say About It?

While there aren’t any reviews specifically for the pink trampoline, reviews are abundant for the blue trampoline! With close to 25,500 reviews, the Little Tikes 3’ Trampoline has a rating of 4.7 out of 5! There are both positive and negative reviews. Consider reading what other parents and guardians think before purchasing!

Positive Reviews

“Little Tikes mechanical engineers deserve a hat tip here–4 reasons:

  1. The trampoline comes pre-built and unfolds. MIND BLOWN!
  2. 5 legs easily screw onto protected, painted, threaded lugs. Non-slip rubber feet snap on. 3. Support bar is built into the legs; padded cross bar is attached w/ 2 screws. Loves to swing from it! 4. 15 min. Assembly time! My 2-year old grandson is going to wear himself out before this Little Tikes trampoline even blinks! Really a high-quality product. Purchased two: one for his home & one for ours! Let’s BoUnCe!”

“Our toddler has been rigorously using it for over a year now. Thousands of stomps, jumps, falls and friends doing the same later and it is still strong, sturdy and bouncier than ever. I find it to be sturdy and if things get a bit rattly its probably due for a bit of tightening which is totally normal with daily jumping. Have had it for a year and had to tighten it once no biggie.”

“Perfect size for toddlers! My son is 2 years old and he has plenty of room to jump around now and will have plenty of room to “grow” into for years. Assembly was easy and came with all the necessary tools. The hardened part was pulling the trampoline halves apart, and holding it down to put the screws in it. Much easier if two people assemble, which it does call for. Trampoline definitely seems sturdy and my child has only stopped jumping on it long enough to eat and sleep.”

Negative Reviews

“This item is not safe for children. If they hold the bar and bounce forward, the entire trampoline tips up in the back. Also, bouncing loosens the leg that holds the bar, so it slowly gets more and more jiggly. I am shocked at this design and as someone who wanted a safe alternative to the bed, Id rather have her bouncing there.”

“I don’t know how this trampoline gets such good ratings. The guard that goes around the sides to keep your kid from getting stuck never stays. On top of that the hand rail came off, a couple of times already (it’s only a month old), while my son was jumping on it! I have to keep tightening the screws but they look like they will soon be stripped. All the safety features are severely lacking. I reached out to the company, and they didn’t even care to get back to me.”

“Horrible, absolutely horrible product. This is an order to replace the first one that had the legs stripped out like multiple reviews stated. The second trampoline had all of the legs but missing one of the legs needed for the handle so it has to be returned again. Also found multiple metal burrs in the threads for the legs, my guess is if I put it together I would have the same issue, again. I am going to ask for a refund rather than a replacement.”

In Conclusion

little tikes trampoline image 1How do you know if the Little Tikes trampoline is for the little one in your life? Consider their energy level, available space, their weight, and their love for interactive toys! Because the weight limit is high for a children’s toy, you can be assured that your child can enjoy this trampoline for many years!

If you have an energetic child with a spacious playroom, this could make the perfect gift from any family member or friend.

Will you purchase the Little Tikes trampoline? Let us know if this review helped you!


Little Tikes Pink Trampoline Read More »

Montessori Toys for 11 Month Old

What Are Montessori Toys?

montessori garden toys picMontessori toys are toys designed from natural materials. They are simplistic and often made from materials like wood and metal. Montessori toys help kids distinguish imagination from reality by introducing them to the natural elements of the world. In addition, they also help with development of sensory processing and fine motor skills.  We will look at Montessori toys for 11 month old.

Montessori toys also come in bright colors or earthy tones. They aid in color, shape, and number recognition. They are unique due to their simplicity. No batteries are required for any of them. This allows the child to focus on the raw skill at hand rather than getting overwhelmed by the lights and noises an electronic toy may make.

Montessori toys are also usually eco-friendly! By using natural elements, they are usually biodegradable and durable. This also means that if you adhere to the proper age requirements, many are designed to avoid hazards like choking.

How Are They Better Than Plastic?

Plastic stays the same no matter how it is manufactured. The temperature and texture never changes. Not to mention, plastic is artificial. It’s created because it isn’t a part of the natural world. This can inhibit a child’s sensory development by reducing the exposure to natural elements.

They also only focus on one skill at a time, whereas plastic toys incorporate multiple skills. The latter seems ideal, but it can actually impede the development of certain skills. The child can often get overwhelmed and stay in that state when trying to choose what to play with. Alternatively, they could move from toy to toy instead of putting all of their concentration on the one skill at hand.

How Are They Helpful for an 11-Month-Old?

montessori toys image11-month-old babies are developing some of the most pivotal motor skills at this age range. In addition, they are also developing communication skills. Many are walking, crawling, and climbing, which would call for more intensive sensory engagement activities. 11-month olds are also more inclined to develop skills like throwing, singing, and various degrees of problem solving.

Montessori toys can provide this age level with the correct amount of engagement. 11-month-olds would benefit from Montessori toys that incite different texture experiences and movement. Since this is the age where babies tend to begin walking, finding Montessori toys that aid in walking or crawling would help them during their motor skill development.

What Types of Toys are Beneficial?

montessori toys

  • Shape Sorters are beneficial for 11-month-old babies. This helps engage their problem-solving skills and helps them become more adept at hand eye coordination. In addition, it assists them with shape recognition.
  • Ball with drawer Montessori toys assist with development of object permanence. Object permanence is a vital skill for children to learn. Object permanence gives one awareness that objects continue to exist even when they are not in sight. The child puts the ball in the hole and eventually understands that when they open the drawer, the ball will still be there.
  • Magic Tissue boxes aid in sensory development. The tissue box has many different fabrics inside, which help children develop their sense of touch. The child is able to pull the pieces of fabric out of the box and get acquainted with their texture. The bright colors aid in color development as well.
  • Activity Walkers assist the child with learning to walk. Most Montessori walkers also have other sensory activities built into the walker as well. Many of them make noise and can be a multi-use toy. It makes it the perfect addition to your child’s Montessori collection. Especially as they learn to be independent and learn to walk without help.
  • Busy Boards are an excellent addition to your collection! Busy boards often engage more than one sense. In some ways, they’re like a giant puzzle. Often equipped with activities to help your little one develop their motor skills, they also teach the child some basic functions of day to day life. Some include buttons, buckles, and zippers in their make.


To conclude, Montessori toys have a lot of benefits. In order to reap their full benefits, you must give them to your child one at a time in order to give them the space and time they need to hone the particular skill the toy is meant to work on. They are designed to incorporate children’s major milestones and are excellent for honing fine motor skills.

11-month-olds specifically benefit from the use of Montessori toys. They assist them with milestone like walking and problem solving. An addition of Montessori toys to your child’s toy chest would have them reaping benefits that could last them a lifetime!




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Leeche Water Beads Sensory Play Benefits image

Water Beads Sensory Play Benefits

Sensory play includes any activity that stimulates your child’s senses. The five human senses are hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch. By cultivating your child’s five senses, you are encouraging brain development and social growth.  Today let’s look at water beads sensory play benefits.

There are many benefits of sensory play outside of growth and development. How can you stimulate the senses safely and productively? With countless research studies, scientists and toymakers have made sensory play easily accessible!

Sensory play items can be anything that introduces new ideas to the five senses. Some sensory items can include bubbles, flashing lights, musical instruments, painting, and more. And an increasingly popular sensory play item is water beads!

Water beads are a great way to stimulate your child’s senses! Want to know more about the benefits of sensory play and water beads? Keep reading to learn how to use water beads and which popular water bead kit is for you!

Benefits of Sensory Play

It Encourages Growth and Development

When participating in sensory play many things are happening for a child. For example, they are being confronted with new sights, textures, and sounds. While this may seem overwhelming, it is the way that their brain develops and intakes information.

Introducing a new texture to a child allows them to store that memory and later recognize similar items in the future. Another way that sensory play encourages growth and development is through problem-solving skills.

Very few children lack imagination and wonder. When presented with new items, they will want to observe, explore, and create. Observing and exploring new sights and sounds will ignite an idea. This exploration and creation force the child to practice their problem-solving skills to achieve their desired action.

Sensory play also encourages the development of motor skills, both fine and gross motor skills. Gross motor skills are basic bodily movements that require the body’s large muscles. Gross motor skills in children can include crawling, sitting, walking, running, jumping, etc. Fine motor skills are bodily movements that require the body’s smaller muscles. Fine motor skills in children can include pinching, snapping, grasping, tapping, etc.

It Builds Connections

Sensory play can build two different types of connections: social connections and nerve connections. While participating in sensory play, children are building brain nerve connections. As stated earlier, introducing new senses allows children to store memories and recognize future similarities.

Social connections can include language skills, peer relationships, and communication abilities. Allowing a child to experience multiple sensations (sight, smell, touch, etc.) at once prepares them for future situations. The introduction of multiple senses is a similar experience to being around other playing children.

Another way sensory play builds connections is through communication. It is always a good idea to allow your child to experience sensory play with others and peers. By introducing others to their play area, it gives children a chance to communicate their ideas and wants. With instruction, they can learn new words and meanings.

 Most Popular Water Bead Sensory Play Accessories

Leeche Nontoxic Water Beads Kit

Leeche Water Beads Sensory Play Benefits imageLeeche’s Nontoxic Water Beads Kit comes with 300 giant gel beads and 20,000 smaller gel beads. These water beads were specifically designed for sensory toys and decorations.

To protect your children, these water beads are toxic-free and intended for children three years and older (due to potential choking hazards). Not only are they toxic-free, but they are also non-flammable, biodegradable, and environmentally friendly.

To aid in your child’s sensory exploration, these water beads are a tool to introduce colors and textures. Leeche describes their product as follows,

“Fully expanded, smooth, squishy water beads create a soothing tactile experience. Ideal for keeping kids happy and busy for hours, playing a fun game, [and a] great learning tool”.

You can introduce color recognition, counting practice, imagination training, and communication skills!

Creativity for Kids Sensory Bin: Ocean and Sand

With this brand, you receive more than just various-sized water beads. The Creativity for Kids Sensory Bin: Ocean and Sand come with the following items:

  • Sensory BinCreativity for Kids Sensory Bin Image
  • Two Pounds of Soft Sensory Sand and Water Beads
  • Ocean Animal Toys
  • Scoop
  • Sand Sifter
  • Sand Molds
  • River Rocks

This kit provides all the necessary items for your sensory bin. According to Creativity for Kids, their water bead kit promotes sensory development, fosters imaginative play, and develops fine motor skills. This kit is intended for children three years and up.

UWEAONTIME DOTH: Water Beads Pack with Sensory Toys

This company provides its customers with a plethora of water beads and sensory tools! Each kit comes with the following items:

  • 30,000 small water beads
  • 150 large water beads
  • 15 balloons
  • 2 scoopers
  • 1 tweezer

By soaking these beads in water, customers can grow their water beads up to ten sizes their original size! With many small water beads available, the manufacturing recommended age is 8-13 years old.

This water bead kit is geared toward elementary/middle school ages in mind. Because it comes equipped with older tools such as balloons and tweezers. The tweezers aid with hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Sensory toys and bins are applicable for all children growing up. There is always room to grow!

The balloons and tweezer can aid older children in creating stress-ball balloons. This new creation allows children to squeeze, pull, feel, and explore. The UWEAONTME DOTH Sensory Toys can ignite imagination and internal ideas.

Which Water Bead Option is for You?

With so many water bead options out there, it can be hard to choose the right one for your child. When choosing water beads for sensory play, consider their age and capabilities.

For toddler-aged children, they will need to be monitored closely. Water beads start extremely small. Small children, who are still learning, may try to eat or explore in other unhealthy ways.

Younger children are learning what is food and what is not food, it is vital to let them safely explore sensory bins. With that, always make sure your water beads are nontoxic!

For children that understand the difference between food and non-food items, they can explore with more advanced water bead kits. Many water bead kits are equipped with intricate tools that require concentration and focus. Fine tip tools and other similar mechanisms may work better for older children.

After considering your child’s age and capability, look for what they are interested in! Many water bead kits come with tools and toys; some items may align with your child’s interests. If not, you can always add small molding toys, vehicles, tools, etc.

We hope this explanation of water beads sensory play benefits helped you! Which water bead sensory play kit will you buy? Let us know!

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bunmo poppin pipes image 1

Bunmo Poppin Pipes

In this post we will be talking about Bunmo Poppin Pipes.

What Are sensory toys?

Sensory toys are toys that offer an interactive experience. They engage your seven senses
– sight, smell, taste, sound, touch, body awareness, and movement. All children, teens, or adults
can find benefits when using sensory toys. Sensory toys are especially beneficial to individuals
who have trouble with sensory stimuli (individuals with Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing
Disorder, and more).

Sensory toys help with cognitive development, memory, multi-tasking, and hand eye
coordination. They also help with motor skill function and development.

What are Bunmo Poppin Pipes?

bunmo poppin pipes image 1Bunmo Poppin Pipes are colorful tubes that are designed specifically to engage multiple
parts of your sensory system. They are described as ‘fun and functional sensory toys that pop,
stretch, and connect making these tubes the go-to toy for play time.’ They’re vibrant in color and

There’s multiple different options when purchasing. They come in packs of 4, 8, 30. This
makes it easy for parents, students, therapists, and physical therapists to buy in bulk if they need
to! This also allows for ease of gift giving, making them fantastic stocking stuffers.

How do they work?

Bunmo Poppin Pipes provide a sensory experience for the user. The vibrant colors
engage your sight. The fun noises engage your sense of sound. The way they are interconnect
engage touch. This provides stimulation for 3 of your seven senses!

You could also engage two more senses depending on how you utilized them. If you use
them to play with others, this could engage your sense of body awareness and movement.

They come in a box that makes storage easy. You can play with just one or all of them at
the same time. You can connect them all together, make shapes, and even wear them on your
wrist if you’d like!

What is the purpose?

Bunmo Poppin Pipes were created with individuals who struggle with sensory processing
and motor skill functioning in mind. All of these things collectively involve the nervous system.

bunmo poppin pipes image 2Your sensory system is a part of your nervous system. It is tasked with deciphering your
environment and the world around you. Sometimes, a person’s sensory system might not be able
to correctly decipher this information. As a result, they can be sensory hypersensitive or
hyposensitive. When this happens, an individual may be over stimulated or under stimulated
sensory wise.

Many individuals who struggle with these difficulties have to engage certain parts of their
nervous system in order to self soothe. When our nervous system is under stimulated, it can
cause distress or anxiety. Bunmo Poppin Pipes helps alleviate this distress by providing a multi
functioning sensory experience.

What are the benefits?

Bunmo Poppin Pipes provide a fun and interactive sensory experience. This sensory toy
allows for group play and can be utilized for many different games. My six-year-old niece and I
used them like light sabers! We also connected them together and made a huge circle. It was an
activity we could do together, that we both enjoyed, despite our wide age range.

The fun sounds were super engaging. You can stretch them all the way out and then push
the ends back together, providing two different pitches of sound.

They’re also portable. If you’re feeling stressed and need them to fidget with, they can
easily be concealed inside a bag. Although, the noise benefit to them may not make them
beneficial in a quiet space.

What are the disadvantages?

It’s important to remember that not everyone is going to desire the same sensory
experiences. Being hypersensitive can cause some forms of stimulation to be overwhelming to an
individual. They may enjoy engaging their sense of sound, but dislike the sense of touch.

Bunmo Poppin Pipes would not be desirable for individuals who struggle with their sense
of sound. The sound is loud and pleasing to some, but distressing to others. If loud noises are a
trigger for you, then I would find a different sensory toy.

What do others think of them?

Bunmo Poppin Pipes holds a 4.6 out of 5 stars on Amazon!

Positive Reviews

Many of the reviewers enjoyed that they were durable. They held up through multiple
play sessions and they were easy to sanitize. Reviewers also liked the functionality of them.
Many stated that their kids could wear them as belts or bracelets and that they helped fuel their
imaginative mind.

A good number of the reviewers also enjoyed the fact that they were a multifunctional
toy, which allowed for them to be played with in water.

The other positive point many made were that they were enjoyed by the whole family.
They described watching their spouses play with their kids. Teenagers were playing with
toddlers. It was a toy that everyone benefitted from to some capacity.

Negative Reviews

Many reported issues with the sharp edges. Though they contain no small pieces, if a
child were to chew on them they could result in cuts in their mouths. Other individuals stated if
two people are hitting each other with them, they can cause cuts on the face or body.

The other complaint revolved around kids or adults who played rough with sensory toys.
They stated that they could be easily crushed if you weren’t watching what you were doing.

The other important review I saw on the lower side of ratings regarded chewing. If you
have a child that likes to chew on toys, this may not be the option for you. As I stated above, the
edges are sharp, but the ends of the tubes fall off fairly easily when chewed on. This could
potentially be a choking hazard.


To sum it up, Bunmo Poppin Pipes are great for the right person! If you enjoy engaging
your sense of sound and your imagination, these are the toy for you. If you or your child is
hypersensitive to noise or likes to chew on items, then this toy may not be for you.

Bunmo Poppin Pipes appeals to all age ranges and was designed specifically with
individuals who struggled with sensory cues or motor skills in mind. Happy poppin!

Bunmo Poppin Pipes Read More »

places to have kids birthday party image 1

Places to Have Kids Birthday Party

For some planning parties and events, come as easy as breathing. For others, planning is a hassle beyond compare. When it comes to planning a birthday party, it can be stressful for even the most organized individual.  Let’s look at some places to have kids birthday party.

Many variables must be considered before beginning the planning process. For example, you must consider the child’s age and interests. Also, consider what locations are accessible and any budget restrictions. Younger children may enjoy birthdays with lots of movement and a busy environment. Dissimilarly, older children may enjoy birthdays without overbearing parents and in a more relaxed setting.

places to have kids birthday party image 1You must also assess the interests and personality of the birthday girl or boy. Most extroverted kids love attention so they will enjoy a more interactive birthday party. Introverted kids will more than likely enjoy a casual birthday party.

After you make notes of the age and personality, consider your location and your budget. For the purpose of this helpful article, all suggestions can be found in the majority of U.S states. Where these locations are not found, there will be a similar replacement.

How much do you spend on a child’s birthday party?  Budget can play a large role in deciding the locale for your child’s birthday party. Many venues offer birthday party packages, which can save you money! By choosing a birthday party package, places will offer food, drinks, decorations, and more. Not every venue will offer a party package, so consider wisely what you want to spend your money on and what you want to be provided.

Keep reading to find the perfect places to have kids birthday party!


In most cities, you are bound to find at least one bowling alley. The first indoor bowling alley was built in 1840! Since then, they have not lost their charm yet. Many love bowling because it is accessible to all ages. Younger children can enjoy bowling while using bumpers (to avoid unnecessary gutter balls), assisted racks (to increase the ball’s momentum for little children), and lighter balls (for those that can’t lift heavier ones).

When bowling, you can choose to go for an evening to enjoy glow-in-the-dark bowling. Evening bowling is illuminated under a black light, adding an extra flair to the already fun game.

Many bowling alleys offer more than just bowling games. Popular alleys, such as AMF, have game rooms and laser tag arenas! Arcades add a little more interaction for those that aren’t into the athletics of bowling. Laser tag is another fun addition for any older child in the family.

Be aware that some bowling alleys do not permit outside food. Thankfully, they do have concession stands! You can bring in cake and accessories if it is approved ahead of time.


Bounce houses have quickly risen in popularity. More times than not, families would rent bounce houses by the hour and have them delivered to their homes for a fee. Nowadays, you don’t have to worry about making space or supervising. You can simply reserve a day at a Bounce House Party Place. Bounce House Party Places are specifically designed for birthdays and celebrations. While there isn’t a single, nationally known party place, you can find local options in your state.

Bounce houses are great for elementary-age children because it is interactive, and there is lots of space for movement. The biggest issue to worry about is the height restriction and physical ailments. For example, children in casts are not allowed because they could hurt themselves.

Many places allow you to rent the entirety of the venue, and they offer supervision. You should be allowed to bring your own cakes, and many sites will sell food such as pizza, sandwich trays, snacks, etc.


While Chuck E. Cheese was once a party place of the past, it continues on as a fantastic option for birthdays. With 612 locations in 47 states, Chuck E. Cheese is likely to be found near you.

Chuck E. Cheese contains a jungle gym, automated band, and a giant arcade with chances to win prizes. Every game you play gives you tickets that you can later turn into prizes. When you rent a party room, you receive free tickets for the birthday girl or boy!

Chuck E. Cheese offers several party packages with the party room. When you purchase a package, you receive All You Can Play games for your guests and free collectibles. In some packages, they offer decorations, Dippin’ Dots, goody bags, pizza, and more!


Children that are a little older and don’t want to run around a bounce house or a bowling alley can benefit from a movie theater birthday party! For kids that are excited about an upcoming movie, this may be the place for them.

Many movie theaters offer party packages and rental prices. Children may be excited by the idea of renting out their own private theater room; this usually comes with group rates on movie snacks and popcorn. The downside of this is that it can get a little pricey. Depending on your local theater, you may be able to get an adequate rate.

Outside of the movie itself, some theaters have arcades and game rooms; this is a nice bonus for parties. This way your child does not feel like they sat down quietly for the entirety of their party; this is a fantastic option for older children.


Museums will vary from state to state, but all states have them! Many parents do not think of museums as a place to celebrate, but as a place to learn. Now they can be both! Many museums offer special tours and educational programs for birthday party groups.

While museums have picnic tables and indoor eating areas, it is not advised for large groups and parties. Not only is it rude for other visitors, but it’s not as fun.

You can find party room rentals in many museums that are specially designed for your benefit. Parties will receive group rates and other accommodations. Depending on your local museum, there may be an interactive segment of your tour. For children with specific niches, a museum would be a great place for a birthday.


places to have kids birthday party image 2After considering your child’s age and interests, any of these places could make a fantastic birthday party venue! For the younger ones, Chuck E. Cheese and Bounce House Party Places are the way to go! They can get out all of their wiggles, while parents can either relax or enjoy the chaos.

For the older ones, movie theaters and bowling alleys are the better options. Both choices often have game rooms to enjoy with the main attraction.

Museums are an excellent choice for children that have specific interests. For example, kids that love dinosaurs can visit the local science museum. Likewise, those that love penguins can have their party at a zoo or an aquarium.

What are the different ways to celebrate kids birthday? We hope this will help plan places to have kids birthday party!  Let us know where you are going!

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sensory table for 1 year old - Best Choice Products Table

Sensory Table for 1 Year Old

Parents understand the importance of providing for their children. Providing for their needs includes their brain development. One of the most common ways to aid a child in expanding their mind is a sensory table!  In this post we will be talking about a sensory table for 1 year old.

A sensory table is provided to children to develop their skills and understanding of the world. In other words, a sensory table makes new experiences accessible to children of all ages in a supervised setting.

Sensory tables can be incorporated in children as young as one year old! It is crucial to introduce sensory processing into your little one’s life. But how do you know which sensory table to buy, or can a sensory table be a DIY project?

Keep reading to learn about the importance of sensory tables and which one to choose!

What is a Sensory Table?

When looking for sensory table for 1 year old’s, a sensory table can refer to a container, a bucket, a table, etc. You can purchase manufactured sensory tables, but it’s the inside that makes a sensory table!

To make new experiences accessible, sensory tables often contain materials and items foreign to the child’s senses. It introduces new textures, smells, sights, sounds, and sometimes tastes.

Many parents and teachers choose to incorporate their own materials for their sensory tables. For others, it’s far easier to purchase a ready-made sensory table.

By incorporating new items, children will begin to explore and expand their knowledge.

Why Should You Use a Sensory Table?

There are countless benefits of introducing a sensory table into a child’s life. In addition to expanding their knowledge, you are aiding cognitive development with sensory tables.

When presenting items to stimulate their senses, you are contributing to their physical, emotional, and mental development.

Physical Development

With new textures to explore and items to play with, children can develop their fine motor skills and gross motor skills. They can practice picking up items, moving them, and rearranging them.

With practice, they will use their muscle memory when building and creating. This skill will eventually seep into everyday life. If they can practice in a controlled environment, their abilities will grow.

Emotional Development

Some new textures and sights may prove to be calming to a growing mind. Many researchers report that using a sensory table can teach a child calming skills. Sensory tables can contain soft, mesmerizing items.

For example, kinetic sand and soft items can be extremely soothing to handle. Children begin to understand the calming effects of these items as they spend more time with them.

Not only can it calm their mind, but it gives them an outlet to practice their social skills; especially when playing with other people. Children can learn about sharing, delegation, communication, and more.

Mental Development

A sensory table helps children understand and localize problems. With new items at their disposal, little ones will begin exploring and playing. Children that actively seek out these new experiences will logically experience small, child-like problems; problems such as maneuvering and building. The great thing about experiencing these problems is that they will develop problem-solving skills!

Another example of mental development is the development of pretend play, imagination, and creativity. With senses stimulated, children will begin to play, and their minds will continue to expand.

What Should Be in Your Sensory Table?

The things in a sensory table should address at least one of the following senses.

  • Hearing
  • Sight
  • Smell
  • Taste
  • Touch

The purpose of a sensory table is to introduce new items for sensory processing. For hearing, parental figures can use jangly keys, maracas, music, etc. Items that are great for touching are as follows: cotton balls, rice, sand, water, beans, odd textures, etc. For sight, bright colors, unknown animals, and inviting shapes can help!

Before using tastes and smells, it is crucial to supervise and aid children in these exploration sessions.

Sensory Table for 1 Year Old’s

UNIH Kids Sensory Table

The UNIH Kids Sensory Table was originally created for the snow and children one to three years old. With this snow table, children can explore the snow in their own way. Many parents saw the potential which caused this to become an increasingly popular sensory table without the snow!

The UNIH Kids Sensory Table comes with 19 accessories that children can use as they are exploring. The following accessories are included:

sensory table for 1 year old - UNIH Kids Sensory Table

  • A Boat
  • Beach Sand Table
  • One Tree
  • A Pinwheel
  • Some Kinetic Sand
  • 5 Beach Tools (sea creature molds, etc.)
  • 9 Beach Toys Models and Tools (spade, shovel, trowel, boats, trains, cars, etc.)

According to UNIH, their Kids Sensory Table improves children’s hands-on abilities, grasping abilities, color perception, brain development, and allows physical exercise.

Step 2 Kids Water Play Table with 13-Piece Accessory Set

The Step 2 Kids Water Play Table with a 13-Piece Accessory Set is also a great sensory table for one-year-olds. This spacious water table is great for multiple children to play together; helpful while encouraging social skills. With each water play table, there are thirteen accessories and toys.

sensory table for 1 year old - Step2 Rain Showers Splash Pond Water Table

  • One Large Bucket
  • Two Mini Buckets
  • Scooper
  • Fish
  • Frog
  • Rubber Duck
  • Sifter
  • Three Open Rain Maze Pieces
  • Spinners
  • Boat

According to Step 2, their sensory table is perfect for sensory exploration, STEM learning, language + social skills, and physical + motor skills. The water sensory table is an excellent way to introduce textures, temperatures, sights, and sounds.

Best Choice Products Castle Sandbox 2 in 1 Sand and Water Table

sensory table for 1 year old - Best Choice Products TableThe Best Choice Castle Sandbox 2 in 1 Sand and Water Table is extremely versatile. There is a detachable play center for each sensory table. With the play center attached, children have access to castles, bridges, and a moat.

When the play center is not attached, there are two large buckets for parental figures to customize. Parents can incorporate their own sensory tools and items.

Each sensory table also comes with a shovel, rake, boat, and bucket; these items can be used with water, sand, or your own sensory tools!

In Conclusion

Finding a sensory table for a one-year-old doesn’t have to be complicated! There are many choices to choose from while shopping. And if you can not find a sensory table that matches your vision, create your own!

A sensory table is only a holder for much more exciting things. Children can be easily amused, and a sensory table is guaranteed to keep their attention and keep their brain growing!

Will you buy a sensory table for 1 year old, or will you make your own? Let us know what you decide!

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magic sand vs kinetic sand image 1

Magic Sand vs Kinetic Sand

Are you looking for an activity that is new and exciting for your child to enjoy? Look no further than sand! You may be wondering how sand can qualify as a new and exciting activity, but you should be aware that scientists around the world have done amazing things with sand.  Let’s look at Magic Sand vs Kinetic Sand.

To clean up oil spills, scientists and researchers developed water-repelling sand. The sand was intended to soak up the oil and debris and leave the water behind. After much time creating, many recognized the genius behind water-repelling sand.

Shortly thereafter, toy companies developed something known as Magic Sand and Kinetic Sand. By coating sand in various materials, scientists created fun and stimulating toys for children of all ages!

Both Magic Sand and Kinetic Sand are used mainly as sensory tools for children. Sensory play is extremely important in brain development. With sensory play, you are introducing tools that stimulate the senses. For example, Magic Sand and Kinetic Sand cultivate sight (with its colors) and touch (with its mind-boggling textures).

How do you know which is for the children in your life? Should you choose Magic Sand or Kinetic Sand? Keep reading to find out which one you should buy for your children!


All About It

magic sand vs kinetic sand image 2Magic Sand often comes in many vibrant colors. Depending on the brand, you can purchase Magic Sand that is pink, red, yellow, blue, purple, green, and many other colors.

When handling Magic Sand, it feels exactly like normal sand. If you did not know better, you would think you were holding typical beach sand. However, Magic Sand is coated in a chemical that is called trimethylhydroxysilane. Trimethylhydroxysilane is a chemical used to make objects hydrophobic. To be hydrophobic means to repel water.

So how does trimethylhydroxysilane affect Magic Sand? It makes this sand waterproof!

Unique Features

The unique thing about Magic Sand is that it is made to be used underwater! When you pour Magic Sand in water, it takes shape. However, when you remove the sand from the water it returns to its natural granular texture.

After pouring the Magic Sand into the water, you or your child can begin to shape and mold various sculptures and designs. It is a great way for individuals to construct their creative ideas.

Why Should You Buy It?

Magic Sand is the perfect summer activity. Take the Magic Sand and a bucket of water outside on a warm day, and you can have a blast without ever having to go to the beach.

When you are done playing with your Magic Sand, you can simply scoop it out of the water and into a bucket or bag. You don’t have to worry about dragging in water because it will be completely dry! A benefit of Magic Sand is that it is reusable, ready to use again and again.

Another reason to purchase Magic Sand is that it is a great way to learn about water molecules and hydrophobic products. Many teachers and parents use Magic Sand as a way to demonstrate hydrophobia.

Brands to Buy

Some of the most popular brands of Magic Sand are the following:

  • Kicko Magic Sand
  • JULAN Magic Sand
  • Steve Spangler’s Magic Sand


All About It

magic sand vs kinetic sand image 1Kinetic Sand is extremely similar to Magic Sand because it is also coated in a material that distorts its natural properties. Kinetic Sand is beach sand coated in a chemical known as poly(dimethylsiloxane). Poly(dimethylsiloxane) is used to make this beach sand hydrophobic.

Parents will be glad to know that poly(dimethylsiloxane) is not a harmful toxin for children. Kinetic Sand is completely toxin-free and hypoallergenic. Kinetic Sand is typically free from the following items: casein, wheat, gluten; although, it is always best to check with the manufacturer before purchasing.

Unique Features

In addition to being water-repellent, poly(dimethylsiloxane) makes this beach sand fluffy and sticky. Unlike Magic Sand, Kinetic Sand does not fall apart into singulair granules.

The sticky property allows users to mold and sculpt impressive designs and creations. Many Kinetic Sand kits come with tools and molds for building.  See our post on the Kinetic Sand Castle Kit.

This fluffy and sticky texture allows parents and children to clean up their Kinetic Sand effortlessly. Many love how easy it is to clean up after playing with this.

Why Should You Buy It?

Parents often purchase Kinetic Sand because it is easy to clean up and it is ideal for sensory play. Because it is often colorful and uncomplicated to play with, parents use it to stimulate their child’s senses.

Children can use their imaginations and hand-eye coordination to create spectacular structures. Kinetic Sand is a way for children to further develop their senses and problem-solving skills.

Brands to Buy

Some of the most common Kinetic Sand brands are as followed:

  • CoolSand
  • Play-Doh
  • Kinetic Sand


Now that you understand the properties and individually unique features of Magic Sand and Kinetic Sand, how do you know which one you should buy?

While each has its benefits, there is one defining feature between Magic Sand and Kinetic Sand.

Magic Sand

Magic Sand is more appropriate for older children. For example, children that are able to learn about hydrophobic products and other water property facts. Many teachers use Magic Sand to compare normal beach sand and hydrophobic sand.

Working with Magic Sand underwater can be more stimulating for those that have a more expansive imagination and more developed fine motor skills. While younger children may engage and benefit from Magic Sand, older children will learn more effectively.

Kinetic Sand

Kinetic Sand is more appropriate for younger children. Typically, preschoolers and elementary-age children enjoy Kinetic Sand more than older children. The fluffy, sticky nature of the sand aids children in their sculpting and maneuvering. Not only does it help with construction, but Kinetic Sand can be used as a sensory play tool. By engaging the child in new textures and problems, they can problem-solve and process their thinking. Kinetic Sand can be used to promote thought-processing skills and fine motor skills.

In addition to stimulating the senses, Kinetic Sand is easy to clean up! Younger children can help clean up Kinetic Sand because it can be clumped together without falling apart. While Magic Sand returns to its normal state, Kinetic Sand typically stays together as one piece making it easy for little hands to clean.

The Verdict

Will you buy Magic Sand to help teach your child hydrophobia and water properties or will you buy Kinetic Sand to promote sensory play and brain development? Let us know if this assessment helped you!

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Kinetic Sand Castle Kit

Finding toys and activities for children’s busy hands can be difficult for any parent! It is a parent’s dream to keep their children occupied and have them learning while they do it.  Today we’ll dig into the Kinetic Sand castle kit.

For many parents and babysitters, this can be a daunting task. Many toys and activities do not provide adequate learning or engagement. Likewise, other toys can be too advanced for children.

When you are trying to keep your child engaged and access their learning abilities, there are a few toys and activities to try.

For example, the Kinetic Sand Castle Kit. The Kinetic Sand Castle Kit is sculptable play sand for children; this kit encourages sensory play and creativity.

Want to know more about sensory play? Keep reading to see if the Kinetic Sand Castle Kit is perfect for the children in your life!


What Is It?

Sensory play is any activity or object that engages an individual’s senses; such as sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. Many parents are encouraged to introduce sensory play into their child’s daily habits.

If various sensory play is presented to a child, they can build nerve connections that further develop the brain. Sensory play is essential for brain development and growth.

Why Is It Important?

Sensory play is extremely important for a child’s mind and development. By introducing sensory play, you are presenting new ideas and thought processes.

Engaging in sensory play creates new and unfounded reactions to stimuli in a young mind. Not only does it introduce new ideas, but it further develops problem-solving abilities.

How Can You Incorporate It?

You can incorporate sensory play in many different ways. Bright colors and new patterns can engage the sense of sight. Things such as animal sounds and songs can develop their hearing. When presented with diverse foods and drinks, a child engages in textures and tastes.

Incorporating sensory play is as simple as changing a child’s environment and introducing new toys and activities. Kinetic sand is a great sensory tool for creativity, sense of touch, and thinking abilities.


All About It

Kinetic sand is a type of sand that can be molded and sculpted into different shapes. This sand is squeezable and fluffy. It is a texture, unlike normal sand. With kinetic sand, children can craft whatever they want without the hassle of the beach and seawater.

Kinetic Sand describes their creative sand product as the following, “fluff the sensory toy sand, feel it flow through fingers like slow-moving liquid! Satisfying oozes, moves, and melts!”


KINETIC SAND CASTLE KIT image 1Kinetic sand is a great sensory play tool for children; it can develop social and emotional capabilities. The fluffy sand has a calming and relaxing effect on many of its users. Children can make the connection between the satisfying texture and their mood.

Not only does it aid in social and emotional development, but physical coordination as well! Kinetic sand allows children to bring their ideas to life. By molding, moving, and building, children can increase their mobility and hand-eye coordination.

Children are also able to be as creative as they wish! By using kinetic sand, they can create and invent original sculptures. Keep reading below to learn how the Kinetic Sand Castle Kit is the ultimate creative sensory play tool!


The Sand

The Kinetic Sand Castle Kit comes with all-natural sand. The sand is 100% free of casein, gluten, and wheat. Those that have dangerous allergies to these items do not have to worry.

Not only does it not contain major allergens, but it is also nontoxic. This hypoallergenic sand is safe for making crafts and getting your hands dirty.

With the Kinetic Sand Castle Kit, you receive ten pounds of Kinetic Sand! With 10 lbs of Kinetic Sand, you can be sure that your child will enjoy the endless amount of fun. The ten pounds of Kinetic Sand is divided into three colors: blue, brown, and green.

Each kit comes with one pound of blue, one pound of green, and eight pounds of brown sand; this allows children to imitate land, sea, and beach. However, these colors can be used for many other creations when you use your imagination.

The Sandbox and Tools

KINETIC SAND CASTLE KIT image 2The Kinetic Sand Castle Kit comes with its sandbox. This sandbox is three feet long and portable! When your child wants to play with their Kinetic Sand, unfold the sandbox and add the sand; this makes playing and cleaning easier for both the child and the parent!

Not only does the folding sandbox make it easy to store, but easy to travel with as well! Parents and babysitters can simply pack their sand castle kit in preparation for rainy days, vacations, or show-and-tell!

In addition to the giant sandbox, this kit comes with ten castle-themed molds and tools. With these tools, your child can build many things for their castle! Your child can build castles, rivers, bridges, moats, towers, walls, and so much more.

Things Included

Each castle kit comes with many accessories to accompany the sand and sandbox! Each kit comes with the following items:

  • 1 lb of Blue Sand
  • 1 lb of Green Sand
  • 8 lbs of Brown Sand
  • 10 Multi-Use Molds and Tools
    • Rake / Sand Cutter
    • Shovel / Scooper
    • Steps
    • Walls
    • Bucket
    • Various Building Molds
  • 1 Catapult
  • A Dragon Character
  • The Folding Super Sandbox
  • 1 Instruction Sheet

With all of this included with your Kinetic Sand Castle Kit, you can be sure that your kid will love it!


The Kinetic Sand Castle Kit is great for many reasons. For one, it is an excellent form of sensory play. The Kinetic Sand Castle Kit allows the child to experience different textures and colors. It also invites them to engage in creative play. Children are able to use their imaginations to conjure up ideas and plans for their sandcastles.

By using the Kinetic Sand Castle Kit, children can improve their problem-solving abilities, thought-processing abilities, and hand-eye coordination abilities.  Here’s some more cool things to do with kinetic sand.

Thankfully, the Kinetic Sand Castle Kit includes nontoxic, hypoallergenic sand meaning that it can make a great gift for any child in your life. The manufacturing recommended age for kinetic sand is 36 months to 12 years old.

Does your child love Kinetic Sand? Tell us who you will give a Kinetic Sand Castle Kit!

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